Establishment and Purpose.—
There is a National Park Service Concessions Management Advisory Board
whose purpose shall be to advise the Secretary and Service on matters relating
to management of concessions in the System.
The Advisory Board shall advise on each of the following:
Policies and procedures intended to ensure that services and
facilities provided by concessioners—
are necessary and appropriate;
meet acceptable standards at reasonable rates with a minimum of
impact on System unit resources and values; and
provide the concessioners with a reasonable opportunity to make
a profit.
Ways to make Service concession programs and procedures more cost
effective, more process efficient, less burdensome, and timelier.
The Advisory Board shall make recommendations to the Secretary
regarding each of the following:
The Service contracting with the private sector to conduct
appropriate elements of concession management.
Ways to make the review or approval of concessioner rates and
charges to the public more efficient, less burdensome, and timelier.
The nature and scope of products that qualify as Indian, Alaska
Native, and Native Hawaiian handicrafts within the meaning of this
The allocation of concession fees.
Annual report.—
The Advisory Board shall provide an annual report on its activities to
the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Representatives and the
Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate.
Advisory Board Membership.—
Members of the Advisory Board shall be appointed on a staggered basis by
the Secretary for a term not to exceed 4 years and shall serve at the pleasure
of the Secretary. The Advisory Board shall be comprised of not more than 7
individuals appointed from among citizens of the United States not in the
employment of the Federal Government and not in the employment of or having an
interest in a Service concession. Of the 7 members of the Advisory Board—
one member shall be privately employed in the hospitality industry and
have both broad knowledge of hotel or food service management and experience
in the parks and recreation concession business;
one member shall be privately employed in the tourism industry;
one member shall be privately employed in the accounting industry;
one member shall be privately employed in the outfitting and guide
one member shall be a State government employee with expertise in park
concession management;
one member shall be active in promotion of traditional arts and crafts;
one member shall be active in a nonprofit conservation organization
involved in parks and recreation programs.
Service on Advisory Board.—
Service of an individual as a member of the Advisory Board shall not be
deemed to be service or employment bringing the individual within the provisions
of any Federal law relating to conflicts of interest or otherwise imposing
restrictions, requirements, or penalties in relation to the employment of
individuals, the performance of services, or the payment or receipt of
compensation in connection with claims, proceedings, or matters involving the
United States. Service as a member of the Advisory Board shall not be deemed
service in an appointive or elective position in the Federal Government for
purposes of section 8344 of title 5 or other
comparable provisions of Federal law.
The Advisory Board shall continue to exist until
December 31, 2009. In all other respects, it shall be subject to chapter
10 of title 5.
Structure US Code
Subtitle I— National Park System
§ 101912. Findings and declaration of policy
§ 101913. Award of concession contracts
§ 101914. Term of concession contracts
§ 101915. Protection of concessioner investment
§ 101916. Reasonableness of rates and charges
§ 101918. Transfer or conveyance of concession contracts or leasehold surrender interests
§ 101919. National Park Service Concessions Management Advisory Board
§ 101920. Contracting for services
§ 101921. Multiple contracts within a System unit
§ 101922. Use of nonmonetary consideration in concession contracts
§ 101923. Recordkeeping requirements
§ 101924. Promotion of sale of Indian, Alaska Native, Native Samoan, and Native Hawaiian handicrafts