In General.—
To facilitate the administration of the System, the Secretary, under such terms
and conditions as the Secretary may consider advisable, may carry out the activities
described in this section.
Services, Resources, or Water Contracts.—
The Secretary may enter into contracts that provide for the sale or lease to
persons, States, or political subdivisions of States, of services, resources, or
water available within a System unit, as long as the activity does not jeopardize or
unduly interfere with the primary natural or historic resource of the System unit,
if the person, State, or political subdivision—
provides public accommodations or services within the immediate vicinity of
the System unit to individuals visiting the System unit; and
demonstrates to the Secretary that there are no reasonable alternatives by
which to acquire or perform the necessary services, resources, or water.
Vehicular Air Conditioning.—
The Secretary may acquire, and have installed, air conditioning units for any
Government-owned passenger motor vehicles used by the Service, where assigned duties
necessitate long periods in automobiles or in regions of the United States where
high temperatures and humidity are common and prolonged.
Utility Facilities.—
The Secretary may erect and maintain fire protection facilities, water lines,
telephone lines, electric lines, and other utility facilities adjacent to any System
unit, where necessary, to provide service in the System unit.
Supplies and Rental of Equipment.—
The Secretary may furnish, on a reimbursement of appropriation basis, supplies,
and rent equipment, to persons and agencies that, in cooperation with and subject to
the approval of the Secretary, render services or perform functions that facilitate
or supplement the activities of the Department of the Interior in the administration
of the System. The reimbursements may be credited to the appropriation current at
the time reimbursements are received.
Contracts for Utility Facilities.—
The Secretary may contract, under terms and conditions that the Secretary
considers to be in the interest of the Federal Government, for the sale, operation,
maintenance, repair, or relocation of Government-owned electric and telephone lines
and other utility facilities used for the administration and protection of the
System, regardless of whether the lines and facilities are located within or outside
the System.
Rights of Way Necessary To Construct, Improve, and
Maintain Roads.—
The Secretary may acquire—
rights of way necessary to construct, improve, and maintain roads within
the authorized boundaries of any System unit; and
land and interests in land adjacent to the rights of way, when—
considered necessary by the Secretary—
to provide adequate protection of natural features; or
to avoid traffic and other hazards resulting from private road
access connections; or
the acquisition of adjacent residual tracts, which otherwise would
remain after acquiring the rights of way, would be in the public interest.
Operation and Maintenance of Motor and Other
In general.—
The Secretary may operate, repair, maintain, and replace motor and other
equipment on a reimbursable basis when the equipment is used on Federal projects
of the System, chargeable to other appropriations, or on work of other Federal
agencies, when requested by the agencies.
Reimbursement shall be—
made from appropriations applicable to the work on which the equipment
is used at rental rates established by the Secretary, based on actual or
estimated cost of operation, repair, maintenance, depreciation, and
equipment management control; and
credited to appropriations currently available at the time adjustment
is effected.
Rental of equipment for fire control
The Secretary may rent equipment for fire control purposes to State,
county, private, or other non-Federal agencies that cooperate with the Secretary
in the administration of the System and other areas in fire control. The rental
shall be under the terms of written cooperative agreements. The amount collected
for the rentals shall be credited to appropriations currently available at the
time payment is received.
Structure US Code
Subtitle I— National Park System
§ 100901. Authority of Secretary to carry out certain activities
§ 100902. Rights of way for public utilities and power and communication facilities
§ 100903. Solid waste disposal operations