Limitation on Use.—
Response costs and damages recovered by the Secretary under this subchapter
or amounts recovered by the Federal Government under any Federal, State, or
local law or regulation or otherwise as a result of destruction, loss of, or
injury to any System unit resource shall be available to the Secretary and
without further Congressional action may be used only as follows:
To reimburse response costs and damage assessments by the Secretary or
other Federal agencies as the Secretary considers appropriate.
Restoration and replacement.—
To restore, replace, or acquire the equivalent of System unit resources
that were the subject of the action and to monitor and study those System
unit resources. The funds may not be used to acquire any land or water,
interest in land or water, or right to land or water unless the acquisition
is specifically approved in advance in appropriations Acts. The acquisition
shall be subject to any limitations contained in the legislation
establishing the System unit.
Excess Amounts.—
Any amounts remaining after expenditures pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2)
of subsection (a) shall be deposited in the Treasury.