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Section 57.251. Definition of Terminate and Termination - Sec. 57.251. DEFINITION OF TERMINATE AND TERMINATION. For purposes of...
Section 57.252. Applicability of Subchapter; Conflict With Subchapter - Sec. 57.252. APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER; CONFLICT WITH SUBCHAPTER. (a) Sections...
Section 57.253. Warranty Claim - Sec. 57.253. WARRANTY CLAIM. (a) This section applies to a...
Section 57.254. Resubmission of Warranty Claim - Sec. 57.254. RESUBMISSION OF WARRANTY CLAIM. If a warranty claim...
Section 57.255. Payment of Warranty Claim - Sec. 57.255. PAYMENT OF WARRANTY CLAIM. Warranty work performed by...
Section 57.256. Warranty Claim for Certain Repair Work or Installation of Replacement Parts - Sec. 57.256. WARRANTY CLAIM FOR CERTAIN REPAIR WORK OR INSTALLATION...
Section 57.257. Audit of Warranty Claims - Sec. 57.257. AUDIT OF WARRANTY CLAIMS. (a) Except as provided...
Section 57.258. Alternate Reimbursement Terms Enforceable - Sec. 57.258. ALTERNATE REIMBURSEMENT TERMS ENFORCEABLE. (a) Sections 57.253, 57.254,...