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Section 373A.151. Applicability of Other Law - Sec. 373A.151. APPLICABILITY OF OTHER LAW. (a) Except as provided...
Section 373A.152. General Authority to Create Homestead Preservation Reinvestment Zone - Sec. 373A.152. GENERAL AUTHORITY TO CREATE HOMESTEAD PRESERVATION REINVESTMENT ZONE....
Section 373A.1521. Contents of Reinvestment Zone Ordinance - Sec. 373A.1521. CONTENTS OF REINVESTMENT ZONE ORDINANCE. The ordinance designating...
Section 373A.1522. Effective Date of Zone - Sec. 373A.1522. EFFECTIVE DATE OF ZONE. The zone designated by...
Section 373A.1541. Tax Increment Financing and Abatement - Sec. 373A.1541. TAX INCREMENT FINANCING AND ABATEMENT. Designation of an...
Section 373A.155. Collection and Deposit of Tax Increments - Sec. 373A.155. COLLECTION AND DEPOSIT OF TAX INCREMENTS. (a) The...
Section 373A.157. Administration and Use of Tax Increment Fund - Sec. 373A.157. ADMINISTRATION AND USE OF TAX INCREMENT FUND. (a)...
Section 373A.158. Annual Report - Sec. 373A.158. ANNUAL REPORT. (a) If a county elects to...