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Section 373A.101. Creation - Sec. 373A.101. CREATION. The governing body of a political subdivision...
Section 373A.102. Nature of Nonpublic Trust - Sec. 373A.102. NATURE OF NONPUBLIC TRUST. A trust that is...
Section 373A.103. Purpose of Trust - Sec. 373A.103. PURPOSE OF TRUST. The purpose of a trust...
Section 373A.104. Board of Directors - Sec. 373A.104. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. (a) A trust shall be...
Section 373A.105. Title to Land - Sec. 373A.105. TITLE TO LAND. (a) A trust may retain...
Section 373A.106. Sale or Lease of Housing Units - Sec. 373A.106. SALE OR LEASE OF HOUSING UNITS. (a) A...
Section 373A.107. Transfer From Governmental Entities; Forgiving Outstanding Taxes - Sec. 373A.107. TRANSFER FROM GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES; FORGIVING OUTSTANDING TAXES. (a)...
Section 373A.109. Relation to Other Law - Sec. 373A.109. RELATION TO OTHER LAW. This subchapter does not...
Section 373A.110. Applicability of Subchapter to Trust Operated by Housing Finance Corporation - Sec. 373A.110. APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER TO TRUST OPERATED BY HOUSING...