Texas Statutes
Subchapter B. Board of Directors; Administrative Provisions
Section 8510.0206. Compensation of Directors

Text of section effective on April 01, 2023
Sec. 8510.0206. COMPENSATION OF DIRECTORS. (a) Unless the board by resolution increases the fee to an amount authorized by Section 49.060, Water Code, a director shall receive as a fee of office an amount not to exceed $25 for each day of service necessary to discharge the director's duties if the board authorizes the same.
(b) Not later than the last day of each month or as soon as practicable after that date, a director shall file with the secretary a verified statement showing the amount due under Subsection (a).
(c) The authority shall issue a warrant for the amount shown in the verified statement filed under Subsection (b).
(d) In all areas of conflict with this section, Section 49.060, Water Code, takes precedence.
Added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. 914 (H.B. 3530), Sec. 1.03, eff. April 1, 2023.