Texas Statutes
Chapter 80 - Official Citrus Producers' Pest and Disease Management Corporation
Section 80.015. Assessment Referenda

Sec. 80.015. ASSESSMENT REFERENDA. (a) The commissioner shall propose the assessment needed in each pest management zone to ensure the stability of the citrus industry by suppressing the public nuisance caused by pests.
(b) The commissioner shall propose in a referendum the:
(1) maximum assessment to be paid by citrus producers in the pest management zone; and
(2) time for which the assessment will be made.
(c) With the commissioner's approval, the corporation may make an assessment in a pest management zone at a level less than the assessment approved by the referendum.
(d) The commissioner shall conduct an assessment referendum under the procedures provided by Section 80.016.
(e) If an assessment referendum is approved, the corporation may collect the assessment.
(f) An assessment levied on citrus producers in a pest management zone may be applied only to:
(1) pest control in that zone;
(2) the corporation's operating costs, including payments on debt incurred for a corporation activity, except that the funds of one zone may not be used to pay another zone's bank loans or debts; and
(3) the conducting of other programs consistent with the declaration of policy stated in Section 80.001.
(g) The assessment shall be adequate and necessary to achieve the goals of this chapter. The amount of the assessment shall be determined by criteria established by the commissioner, including:
(1) the extent of infestation;
(2) the amount of acreage planted;
(3) historical efforts to suppress;
(4) the growing season;
(5) epidemiology;
(6) historical weather conditions; and
(7) the costs and financing of the program.
(h) The commissioner shall give notice of and hold a public hearing in the pest management zone regarding the proposed assessment referendum. Before the referendum, the commissioner shall review and approve:
(1) the amount of the assessment;
(2) the basis for the assessment;
(3) the time for payment of the assessment;
(4) the method of allocation of the assessment among citrus producers;
(5) the restructuring and repayment schedule for any preexisting debt; and
(6) the amount of debt to be incurred in the pest management zone.
(i) The commissioner shall on a zone-by-zone basis set the date on which assessments are due and payable.
(j) Each year, the commissioner shall review and approve the corporation's operating budget.
(k) The corporation shall prepare and mail billing statements to each citrus producer subject to the assessment that state the amount due and the due date. The assessments shall be sent to the corporation.
Added by Acts 2009, 81st Leg., R.S., Ch. 506 (S.B. 1016), Sec. 10.01, eff. September 1, 2009.
Amended by:
Acts 2013, 83rd Leg., R.S., Ch. 924 (H.B. 1494), Sec. 5.02, eff. September 1, 2013.
Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. 29 (S.B. 1749), Sec. 7, eff. September 1, 2015.

Structure Texas Statutes

Texas Statutes

Agriculture Code

Title 5 - Production, Processing, and Sale of Horticultural Products

Subtitle B - Horticultural Diseases and Pests

Chapter 80 - Official Citrus Producers' Pest and Disease Management Corporation

Section 80.001. Findings and Declaration of Policy

Section 80.002. Designation of Entity to Carry Out Citrus Pest and Disease Control and Suppression

Section 80.003. Definitions

Section 80.004. Advisory Committees

Section 80.005. Creation of Pest Management Zones

Section 80.006. Pest Management Zone Referenda

Section 80.007. Board Elections

Section 80.008. Composition of Board

Section 80.009. Powers of Board and Commissioner

Section 80.010. Board Duties

Section 80.011. Administrative Review

Section 80.012. Contracting

Section 80.013. Board Member Compensation

Section 80.014. Discontinuation of Program and Corporation and Disposition of Funds on Discontinuance

Section 80.015. Assessment Referenda

Section 80.016. Conduct of Board Elections and Referenda; Balloting

Section 80.017. Payment of Assessments; Assessment Liens

Section 80.018. Exemption From Assessment Penalties

Section 80.019. Entry of Premises; Suppression Activities; Inspections

Section 80.020. Authority to Prohibit Planting of Citrus and Require Participation in Suppression Program

Section 80.021. Authority for Destruction or Treatment of Citrus in Pest Management Zones; Compensation Payable

Section 80.022. Authority to Adopt Rules

Section 80.023. Reports

Section 80.024. Documenting Regulated Articles

Section 80.025. Cooperative Programs Authorized

Section 80.026. Organic Citrus Producers

Section 80.027. Penalties

Section 80.028. Dissolution Provision

Section 80.029. Annual Report

Section 80.030. Exemption From Taxation

Section 80.031. Use of Bio-Intensive Controls

Section 80.032. Venue