Texas Statutes
Subchapter E. Complaint Procedures and Hearings
Section 571.137. Subpoena

Sec. 571.137. SUBPOENA. (a) In connection with a formal hearing, the commission, as authorized by this chapter, may subpoena and examine witnesses and documents that directly relate to a sworn complaint.
(a-1) In connection with a preliminary review, the commission, for good cause and as authorized by this chapter, may subpoena documents and witnesses on application by the commission staff and a motion adopted by a vote of at least six members of the commission, for the purpose of attempting to obtain from the documents or witnesses specifically identified information, if the commission reasonably believes that the specifically identified information:
(1) is likely to be determinative as to whether the subject of an investigation has violated a law within the jurisdiction of the commission;
(2) can be determined from the documents or is known by the witnesses; and
(3) is not reasonably available through a less intrusive means.
(a-2) The commission shall adopt procedures for the issuance of subpoenas under this section.
(a-3) A copy of a subpoena issued under this section must be delivered to the respondent.
(b) At the written request of at least six members of the commission, a peace officer shall serve a subpoena of the commission in the manner prescribed for service of a district court subpoena.
(c) If a person to whom a subpoena is directed refuses to appear, refuses to answer inquiries, or fails or refuses to produce books, records, or other documents that were under the person's control when the demand was made, the commission shall report that fact to a district court in Travis County. The district court shall enforce the subpoena by attachment proceedings for contempt in the same manner as the court enforces a subpoena issued by the court.
(d) A respondent has the right to quash a subpoena as provided by law.
(e) A subpoenaed witness who attends a commission hearing is entitled to the same mileage and per diem payments as a witness who appears before a grand jury. A person who provides subpoenaed documents to the commission is entitled to reimbursement from the commission for the person's reasonable cost of producing the documents.
Added by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 268, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1993. Amended by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 249, Sec. 1.26, eff. Sept. 1, 2003.

Structure Texas Statutes

Texas Statutes

Government Code

Title 5 - Open Government; Ethics

Subtitle B - Ethics

Chapter 571 - Texas Ethics Commission

Subchapter E. Complaint Procedures and Hearings

Section 571.121. General Powers

Section 571.1211. Definitions

Section 571.1212. Categorization of Violations

Section 571.122. Filing of Complaint; Contents

Section 571.1221. Dismissal of Complaint Filed at Direction or Urging of Nonresident

Section 571.1222. Dismissal of Complaint Challenging Certain Information in Political Report

Section 571.123. Processing of Complaint

Section 571.1231. Designation of Agent by Certain Respondents

Section 571.124. Preliminary Review: Initiation

Section 571.1241. Review of Executive Director's Determination of Jurisdiction

Section 571.1242. Preliminary Review

Section 571.1244. Preliminary Review and Preliminary Review Procedures

Section 571.125. Preliminary Review Hearing: Procedure

Section 571.126. Preliminary Review Hearing: Resolution

Section 571.129. Formal Hearing: Standard of Evidence

Section 571.130. Formal Hearing: Subpoenas and Witnesses

Section 571.131. Formal Hearing: Procedure

Section 571.132. Formal Hearing: Resolution

Section 571.133. Appeal of Final Decision

Section 571.134. Delay of Referral

Section 571.135. Public Interest Information

Section 571.1351. Status of Complaint

Section 571.136. Extension of Deadline

Section 571.137. Subpoena

Section 571.138. Status of Complainant

Section 571.139. Applicability of Other Acts

Section 571.140. Confidentiality; Offense

Section 571.141. Availability of Commission Orders on Internet

Section 571.142. Liability for Respondent's Costs