Sec. 5.04. NORMAL SERVICE RETIREMENT BENEFIT. (a) The service retirement annuity of a person who retires under Section 5.01 of this Act on or after January 1, 1995, is a monthly payment that is equal to three percent of the member's average monthly compensation multiplied by the member's number of years of service credit and any fraction of a year of service credit.
(b) The three percent factor used in this section may be changed to some other percent if the change:
(1) is first approved by the board's actuary;
(2) is approved by the board of trustees;
(3) applies to one or any combination of the following groups:
(A) firefighters who are employed on an active, full-time basis in the fire department at the time of the change;
(B) firefighters who begin service with the fire department after the change becomes effective; and
(C) members who retire under Section 5.06 of this Act after the change becomes effective; and
(4) does not reduce a member's benefit for service credit accumulated before the date of the change.
(b-1) In determining whether to approve an increase in the factor under Subsection (b) of this section, the board's actuary shall take into consideration whether the fund has reserves sufficient to enable the payment of a cost-of-living adjustment under Section 9.04(a) of this Act to all current members and survivors at a level that is equal to the average percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers as determined by the United States Department of Labor for the 10 annual periods preceding the proposed effective date of the change.
(c) The service retirement annuity of a person who retired before January 1, 1995, is a monthly payment based on the benefit formula in effect at the time of the person's retirement, together with any increases for retirees approved by the board of trustees after the person's retirement.
Structure Texas Statutes
Article 6243e.1. Firefighters Relief and Retirement Fund in Cities of 450,000 to 500,000
Article 5. Service Retirement Benefits
Section 5.01. Normal Service Retirement Eligibility
Section 5.02. Continued Service
Section 5.03. Determination of Average Monthly Salary
Section 5.04. Normal Service Retirement Benefit
Section 5.05. Early Retirement