Texas Statutes
Chapter 5002 - Interstate Health Care Compact
Section 5002.001. Execution of Compact

Sec. 5002.001. EXECUTION OF COMPACT. This state enacts the Interstate Health Care Compact and enters into the compact with all other states legally joining in the compact in substantially the following form:
Whereas, the separation of powers, both between the branches of the Federal government and between Federal and State authority, is essential to the preservation of individual liberty;
Whereas, the Constitution creates a Federal government of limited and enumerated powers, and reserves to the States or to the people those powers not granted to the Federal government;
Whereas, the Federal government has enacted many laws that have preempted State laws with respect to Health Care, and placed increasing strain on State budgets, impairing other responsibilities such as education, infrastructure, and public safety;
Whereas, the Member States seek to protect individual liberty and personal control over Health Care decisions, and believe the best method to achieve these ends is by vesting regulatory authority over Health Care in the States;
Whereas, by acting in concert, the Member States may express and inspire confidence in the ability of each Member State to govern Health Care effectively; and
Whereas, the Member States recognize that consent of Congress may be more easily secured if the Member States collectively seek consent through an interstate compact;
NOW THEREFORE, the Member States hereto resolve, and by the adoption into law under their respective State Constitutions of this Health Care Compact, agree, as follows: