Texas Statutes
Article 6243c. Validating Elections for Pensions in Cities of Over 10,000
Section 5. Election in Certain Cities Unnecessary

Sec. 5. ELECTION IN CERTAIN CITIES UNNECESSARY. All cities included in the population brackets of H.B. No. 30 and H.B. 31, Acts of the First Called Session of the 43rd Legislature, shall hereafter from the effective date of this Act be deemed to have a pension system without the necessity of any election or any action on the part of the City Council, and such City Council or Governing Board shall immediately provide adequate funds for the payment of pensions under the terms of H.B. No. 30 and H.B. 31 and the terms of this Act.
Acts 1933, 43rd Leg., 1st C.S., p. 89, ch. 30.