Texas Statutes
Subchapter C. Authorized Investments and Transactions for Capital Stock Life, Health, and Accident Insurers
Section 425.128. Risk Control Transactions: Oversight by Commissioner

Sec. 425.128. RISK CONTROL TRANSACTIONS: OVERSIGHT BY COMMISSIONER. (a) An insurance company must be able to demonstrate to the commissioner on request the intended hedging characteristics and continuing effectiveness of a derivative transaction or combination of transactions through:
(1) cash flow testing;
(2) duration analysis; or
(3) other appropriate analysis.
(b) Ten days before entering into an initial hedging transaction, an insurance company shall notify the commissioner in writing that:
(1) the company's board of directors has adopted an investment plan that authorizes hedging transactions; and
(2) each hedging transaction will comply with Sections 425.124-425.132.
(c) After providing the notice under Subsection (b), the insurance company may enter into a hedging transaction under Section 425.124 if as a result of and after making the transaction:
(1) the aggregate statement value of all outstanding options other than collars, and of all caps, floors, swaptions, and warrants under Sections 425.124-425.132 not attached to another financial instrument purchased by the company does not exceed 7.5 percent of the company's assets;
(2) the aggregate statement value of all outstanding options other than collars, and of all caps, floors, swaptions, and warrants written by the company under Sections 425.124-425.132 does not exceed three percent of the company's assets; and
(3) the aggregate potential exposure of all outstanding collars, swaps, forwards, and futures entered into or acquired by the company under Sections 425.124-425.132 does not exceed 6.5 percent of the company's assets.
(d) If the hedging transaction does not comply with Sections 425.124-425.132, or if continuing the transaction may create a hazardous financial condition for the insurance company that affects the company's policyholders or creditors or the public, the commissioner may, after notice and an opportunity for a hearing, order the company to take action reasonably necessary to:
(1) remedy a hazardous financial condition; or
(2) prevent an impending hazardous financial condition from occurring.
Added by Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch. 727 (H.B. 2017), Sec. 1, eff. April 1, 2007.

Structure Texas Statutes

Texas Statutes

Insurance Code

Title 4 - Regulation of Solvency

Subtitle B - Reserves and Investments

Chapter 425 - Reserves and Investments for Life Insurance Companies and Related Entities

Subchapter C. Authorized Investments and Transactions for Capital Stock Life, Health, and Accident Insurers

Section 425.101. Definitions

Section 425.102. Inapplicability of Certain Law

Section 425.103. Applicability of Subchapter

Section 425.104. Purpose

Section 425.105. Written Investment Plan

Section 425.106. Investment Records; Demonstration of Compliance

Section 425.108. Authorized Investments and Transactions in General

Section 425.109. Authorized Investments: Government Obligations

Section 425.110. Authorized Investments: Obligations of and Other Investments in Business Entities

Section 425.111. Authorized Investments: Bonds Issued, Assumed, or Guaranteed in International Market

Section 425.112. Authorized Investments: Policy Loans

Section 425.113. Authorized Investments: Deposits in Certain Financial Institutions

Section 425.114. Authorized Investments: Insurance Company Investment Pools

Section 425.115. Authorized Investments: Equity Interests

Section 425.116. Authorized Investments: Preferred Stock

Section 425.117. Authorized Investments: Collateral Loans

Section 425.118. Authorized Investments: Obligations Secured by Real Property Loans

Section 425.1185. Authorized Investments: Mezzanine Real Estate Loans

Section 425.119. Authorized Investments: Real Property

Section 425.120. Authorized Investments: Oil, Gas, and Minerals

Section 425.121. Authorized Investments: Securities Lending, Repurchase, Reverse Repurchase, and Dollar Roll Transactions

Section 425.122. Authorized Investments: Premium Loans

Section 425.123. Authorized Investments: Money Market Funds

Section 425.124. Authorized Investments: Risk Control Transactions

Section 425.125. Risk Control Transactions: Definitions

Section 425.126. Risk Control Transactions: Derivative Use Plan

Section 425.127. Risk Control Transactions: Internal Control Procedures

Section 425.128. Risk Control Transactions: Oversight by Commissioner

Section 425.129. Risk Control Transactions: Limitations on Income Generation Transactions

Section 425.130. Risk Control Transactions: Limitations on Replication Transactions

Section 425.131. Risk Control Transactions: Trading Requirements

Section 425.132. Risk Control Transactions: Offsetting Transactions

Section 425.151. Authorized Investments: Foreign Countries and United States Territories

Section 425.152. Authorized Investments: Investments Not Otherwise Specified or Prohibited; Investments Authorized by Other Law

Section 425.153. Authorized Investments: Certain Previously Authorized Investments

Section 425.154. Applicability of Percentage Authorizations and Limitations

Section 425.155. Qualification of Investments

Section 425.156. Distributions, Reinsurance, and Merger

Section 425.157. Aggregate Diversification Requirements

Section 425.158. Waiver by Commissioner of Quantitative Limitations

Section 425.159. Accounting Provisions

Section 425.160. Investments of Ceding Insurers

Section 425.161. Acting as Real Estate Broker or Salesperson Prohibited

Section 425.162. Rules