Texas Statutes
Subchapter E. Director
Section 412.041. Director Duties

Sec. 412.041. DIRECTOR DUTIES. (a) The director serves as the state risk manager.
(b) The director shall supervise the development and administration of systems to:
(1) identify the property and liability losses, including workers' compensation losses, of each state agency;
(2) identify the administrative costs of risk management incurred by each state agency;
(3) identify and evaluate the exposure of each state agency to claims for property and liability losses, including workers' compensation; and
(4) reduce the property and liability losses, including workers' compensation, incurred by each state agency.
(c) In addition to other duties provided by this chapter, by Chapter 501, and by the board, the director shall:
(1) keep full and accurate minutes of the transactions and proceedings of the board;
(2) be the custodian of the files and records of the board;
(3) prepare and recommend to the board plans and procedures necessary to implement the purposes and objectives of this chapter and Chapter 501, including rules and proposals for administrative procedures consistent with this chapter and Chapter 501;
(4) hire staff as necessary to accomplish the objectives of the board and may delegate powers and duties to members of that staff as necessary;
(5) be responsible for the investigation of complaints and for the presentation of formal complaints;
(6) attend all meetings of the board as a nonvoting participant; and
(7) handle the correspondence of the board and obtain, assemble, or prepare the reports and information that the board may direct or authorize.
(d) If necessary to the administration of this chapter and Chapter 501, the director, with the approval of the board, may secure and provide for services that are necessary and may employ and compensate within available appropriations professional consultants, technical assistants, and employees on a full-time or part-time basis.
(e) The director also serves as the administrator of the government employees workers' compensation insurance program.
(f) In administering and enforcing Chapter 501 as regards a compensable injury with a date of injury before September 1, 1995, the director shall act in the capacity of employer and insurer. In administering and enforcing Chapter 501 as regards a compensable injury with a date of injury on or after September 1, 1995, the director shall act in the capacity of insurer.
(g) The director shall act as an adversary before the division and courts and present the legal defenses and positions of the state as an employer and insurer, as appropriate.
(h) For the purposes of Subsection (f) and Chapter 501, the director is entitled to the legal counsel of the attorney general.
(i) In administering Chapter 501, the director is subject to the rules, orders, and decisions of the commissioner in the same manner as a private employer, insurer, or association.
(j) The director shall:
(1) prepare for adoption by the board procedural rules and prescribe forms necessary for the effective administration of this chapter and Chapter 501; and
(2) prepare for adoption by the board and enforce reasonable rules for the prevention of accidents and injuries.
(k) The director shall hold hearings on all proposed rules and provide reasonable opportunity for the officers of state agencies to testify at hearings on all proposed rules under this chapter and Chapter 501.
(l) The director shall furnish copies of all rules to:
(1) the commissioner of insurance;
(2) the commissioner; and
(3) the administrative heads of all state agencies affected by this chapter and Chapter 501.
Added by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 1098, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1997. Amended by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. 1017, Sec. 1.05, eff. Sept. 1, 2002.
Amended by:
Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch. 265 (H.B. 7), Sec. 3.225, eff. September 1, 2005.