Texas Statutes
Subchapter F. Special Provisions Concerning Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal
Section 401.217. Location of Disposal Facility Site

Sec. 401.217. LOCATION OF DISPOSAL FACILITY SITE. The commission may not issue a license for a compact waste disposal facility or license the operation of a federal facility waste disposal facility if the disposal facility site is located:
(1) in a county any part of which is located 62 miles or less from an international boundary;
(2) in a county in which the average annual rainfall is greater than 20 inches;
(3) in a county that adjoins river segment 2309, 2310, or 2311 as identified by the commission in the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards, 30 T.A.C. Section 307.10(3);
(4) in a 100-year flood plain; or
(5) less than 20 miles upstream of or up-drainage from the maximum elevation of the surface of a reservoir project that:
(A) has been constructed or is under construction by the United States Bureau of Reclamation or the United States Army Corps of Engineers; or
(B) has been approved for construction by the Texas Water Development Board as part of the state water plan under Subchapter C, Chapter 16, Water Code.
Added by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 1067, Sec. 7, eff. Sept. 1, 2003.

Structure Texas Statutes

Texas Statutes

Health and Safety Code

Title 5 - Sanitation and Environmental Quality

Subtitle D - Nuclear and Radioactive Materials

Chapter 401 - Radioactive Materials and Other Sources of Radiation

Subchapter F. Special Provisions Concerning Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal

Section 401.2005. Definitions

Section 401.201. Regulation of Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal

Section 401.202. Licensing Authority

Section 401.204. Acquisition of Property

Section 401.205. Responsibilities of Persons Licensed to Dispose of Low-Level Radioactive Waste

Section 401.2051. Conveyance of Waste

Section 401.206. Resident Inspector

Section 401.207. Out-of-State Waste; Nonparty Compact Waste

Section 401.208. Study of Capacity

Section 401.2085. Review of Financial Assurance

Section 401.209. Acquisition and Operation of Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Sites

Section 401.210. Transfer Costs of Property

Section 401.211. Liability

Section 401.212. Monitoring, Maintenance, and Emergency Measures

Section 401.213. Interstate Compacts

Section 401.215. Acceptance of Low-Level Radioactive Waste

Section 401.216. Federal Facility Waste Disposal

Section 401.217. Location of Disposal Facility Site

Section 401.218. Disposal of Certain Waste

Section 401.219. Techniques for Managing Low-Level Radioactive Waste

Section 401.220. Design of Facility

Section 401.221. Mixed Waste

Section 401.222. Term of License

Section 401.223. Health Surveillance Survey

Section 401.224. Packaging of Radioactive Waste

Section 401.225. Shipment of Low-Level Radioactive Waste

Section 401.226. Improperly Processed or Packaged Low-Level Radioactive Waste

Section 401.227. Selection of Application for Compact Waste Disposal Facility License

Section 401.228. Notice to Receive Applications

Section 401.229. Application Processing Fee

Section 401.230. Receipt of Applications

Section 401.231. Administratively Complete Application

Section 401.232. Evaluation of Applications; Commission Selection

Section 401.233. Tier 1 Criteria

Section 401.234. Tier 2 Criteria

Section 401.235. Tier 3 Criteria

Section 401.236. Tier 4 Criteria

Section 401.237. Technical Review

Section 401.238. Notice of Draft License and Opportunity for Hearing

Section 401.239. Contested Case; Final Action on Application

Section 401.240. Judicial Review

Section 401.241. Security

Section 401.242. Acceptance of Waste

Section 401.243. Compliance History

Section 401.244. Host County Public Projects

Section 401.2445. State Fee

Section 401.245. Party State Compact Waste Disposal Fees

Section 401.2455. Interim Party State Compact Waste Disposal Fees

Section 401.2456. Contracts for Nonparty Compact Waste Disposal

Section 401.246. Waste Disposal Fee Criteria

Section 401.247. Reasonable and Necessary Expenses

Section 401.248. Limitations on Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal

Section 401.249. Low-Level Radioactive Waste Fund

Section 401.250. Payments by Party States

Section 401.251. Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission Account