Texas Statutes
Subchapter F. Local Solid Waste Services and Regulation
Section 363.117. Solid Waste Management Service Contracts

Sec. 363.117. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICE CONTRACTS. Under a solid waste management service contract, a public agency may:
(1) acquire and operate all or any part of one or more solid waste management systems, including resource recovery systems;
(2) contract with a person or other public agency to manage solid waste for that person or agency;
(3) contract with a person to purchase or sell, by installments over a term considered desirable by the governing body or otherwise, all or any part of a solid waste management system, including a resource recovery system;
(4) contract with a person or other public agency for the operation of all or any part of a solid waste management system, including a resource recovery system;
(5) lease to or from a person or other public agency, for the term and on the conditions considered desirable by the governing body, all or any part of a solid waste management system, including a resource recovery system;
(6) contract to make all or any part of a solid waste management system available to other persons or public agencies and furnish solid waste management services through the public agency's system, provided the contract:
(A) includes provisions to assure equitable treatment of parties who contract with the public agency for solid waste management services from all or any part of the same solid waste management system;
(B) provides the method of determining the amounts to be paid by the parties;
(C) provides that the public agency shall either operate or contract with a person to operate for the public agency a solid waste management system or part of a solid waste management system;
(D) provides that the public agency is entitled to continued performance of the services after the amortization of the public agency's investment in the solid waste management system during the useful life of the system on payment of reasonable charges for the services, reduced to take into consideration the amortization; and
(E) includes any other provisions and requirements the public agency determines to be appropriate;
(7) contract with another public agency or other persons for solid waste management services, including contracts for the collection and transportation of solid waste and for processing or disposal at a permitted solid waste management facility, including a resource recovery facility, provided the contract may specify:
(A) the minimum quantity and quality of solid waste to be provided by the public agency; and
(B) the minimum fees and charges to be paid by the public agency for the right to have solid waste processed or disposed of at the solid waste management facility;
(8) contract with a person or other public agency to supply materials, fuel, or energy resulting from the operation of a resource recovery facility; and
(9) contract with a person or other public agency to receive or purchase solid waste, materials, fuel, or energy recovered from resource recovery facilities.
Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 678, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1989.