Texas Statutes
Subchapter X. County Programs for Cleanup and Economic Redevelopment of Brownfields
Section 361.910. Limitations on Liability

Sec. 361.910. LIMITATIONS ON LIABILITY. (a) A person who is an eligible owner, licensed contractor, or licensed professional engineer engaged in an assessment, eligible site remediation, or property or facility inspection after remediation under a program adopted under this subchapter is not liable for damages or costs resulting from a release or threatened release of a hazardous substance that occurs during the assessment, remediation, or inspection unless the person:
(1) qualified as an eligible owner, licensed professional engineer, or contractor by fraud, misrepresentation, or knowing failure to disclose material information; or
(2) negligently or knowingly contributed to or caused the release or threatened release.
(b) The county shall inspect a property or facility after remediation is completed to determine whether the remediation meets county standards for completeness under the brownfield program. On a finding that the remediation meets the standards, the county shall issue a certificate signifying the satisfactory remediation to the owner of the property or facility and shall file a copy of the certificate in the county property records. The owner or a subsequent owner of a remediated property or facility is not liable for the costs of any additional assessment or remediation for environmental contamination that occurred before the issuance of the certificate.
(c) This subchapter does not limit or impair any immunity or defense to liability or suit that may be available to a county under any other provision of law.
Added by Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch. 379 (S.B. 1413), Sec. 2, eff. September 1, 2005.