Texas Statutes
Subchapter N. Waste Reduction Programs; Disposal Fees
Section 361.430. Newsprint Recycling Program

Sec. 361.430. NEWSPRINT RECYCLING PROGRAM. (a) It is the policy of this state that recycling of all paper products including old newspapers is vital to our economy and the preservation of our environment. It is the purpose of this section to promote the state's policy by encouraging newspaper publishers to promote recycling through purchase of recycled products and by cooperating with local community organizations to establish and promote community collection efforts for all paper products.
(b)(1) In order to observe and promote this policy the newspaper publishers of Texas will work with state officials and state agencies to identify potential sites and offer economic incentives in order to attract additional de-inking facilities and recycled newsprint mills to Texas.
(2) The newspaper publishers of Texas will also assist and participate in the market development study and implementation program established by Section 361.423.
(c) The commission shall promulgate rules and regulations which establish a newsprint recycling program for the state.
(d) The program shall include guidelines which set goals for the use of recycled newsprint by newspaper publishers, using the following target percentages of recycled newsprint in the total newsprint consumption of each newspaper publisher:
(1) 10 percent by the end of the calendar year 1993;
(2) 20 percent by the end of the calendar year 1997; and
(3) 30 percent by the end of the calendar year 2000.
(e) Smaller newspapers may find it difficult to implement use of recycled newsprint. Therefore, larger newspapers will be responsible for the necessary consumption to allow the percentages specified in Subsection (d) to represent total consumption of recycled newsprint by all Texas newspapers.
(f) In this section:
(1) "Newspaper" means a publication that is sold and that is printed on newsprint and published, printed, and distributed in the state, both daily and non-daily, to disseminate current news and information of general interest to the public.
(2) "Recycled newsprint" means newsprint which meets the specified guidelines under Section 361.427 to be classified as a recycled product.
(g)(1) Publishers of newspapers subject to regulation under the newsprint recycling program shall submit annually, on or before January 31, a report to the executive director which states the percentage of recycled newsprint used by the publisher in the preceding year, and, if the target percentage is not met, the publisher must include in the report:
(A) whether the publisher is able to obtain sufficient quantities of recycled newsprint at competitive prices and of satisfactory quality;
(B) whether the publisher has attempted to obtain recycled newsprint from every producer of recycled newsprint that offered to sell recycled newsprint to the publisher during the preceding calendar year; and
(C) the publisher's efforts to obtain recycled newsprint, including the name and address of each producer of recycled newsprint that the publisher contacted and the name and telephone number of the contact person at each of the producers.
(2) The executive director shall develop forms for and regulations governing the submission of the reports required by this subsection.
(h) If the executive director determines that newspaper publishers are not voluntarily meeting the target percentages prescribed by this section for the program, the commission may adopt mandatory enforcement measures.
Added by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., ch. 303, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1991. Amended by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 76, Sec. 11.81, eff. Sept. 1, 1995.