Texas Statutes
Article 3. General Powers and Duties
Section 3.04. Insurance

Sec. 3.04. INSURANCE. (a) The board may use fund assets to purchase insurance from any insurer licensed to do business in this state that provides for reimbursement of the fund and any trustee, officer, or employee of the fund for:
(1) liability imposed or damages incurred because of an alleged act, error, or omission committed in the capacity of a fiduciary, officer, or employee; and
(2) costs and expenses incurred in defense of a claim for an alleged act, error, or omission.
(b) The board may not purchase insurance for reimbursement of a trustee, officer, or employee of the fund for liability imposed on the trustee, officer, or employee because of the person's dishonesty, fraud, lack of good faith, or intentional failure to act prudently.