Texas Statutes
Subchapter B. Right-of-Way Fees
Section 283.054. Existing Franchise Agreements and Ordinances

Sec. 283.054. EXISTING FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS AND ORDINANCES. (a) Except as otherwise provided by this chapter, this chapter does not affect the validity of a franchise agreement or ordinance with a certificated telecommunications provider executed before January 12, 1999. A municipality may continue to enforce a franchise agreement or ordinance and to collect franchise fees and other charges under that franchise agreement or ordinance until the date on which the agreement or ordinance expires by its own terms or is terminated in accordance with the terms of this section. A provider may elect to terminate a franchise agreement or obligations under an existing ordinance as of the effective date of the right-of-way fee rates adopted in accordance with the commission's rules adopted under this chapter. A provider terminating a franchise agreement or obligations under an existing ordinance under this section shall become governed by this chapter on the date of termination. A termination under this subsection does not affect the calculation of the municipality's base amount under Section 283.053. A certificated telecommunications provider electing to terminate an existing franchise agreement or obligations under an ordinance under this section shall provide notice to the commission and the affected municipality not later than December 1, 1999.
(b) If a franchise agreement or obligations under an ordinance in a municipality expire or are terminated under Subsection (a) before the commission has determined the amounts to be paid to a municipality, the affected certificated telecommunications providers operating in the municipality shall continue paying at the rates required under the terms of the expired agreement or ordinance until the commission's determination and the certificated telecommunications provider's implementation of appropriate rates under this chapter.
(c) During the period in which a franchise agreement or ordinance described by Subsection (a) is in effect, a certificated telecommunications provider not subject to an existing franchise agreement or ordinance that wants to construct facilities to offer telecommunications services in the municipality shall pay right-of-way fees that are competitively neutral and non-discriminatory, consistent with the charges of the most recent agreement or ordinance between the municipality and the certificated telecommunications provider serving the largest number of access lines within the municipality. The provider shall pay those fees for the duration of that agreement or ordinance or until the right-of-way fees established by commission rule take effect. If the existing franchise agreement or ordinance contains a provision requiring in-kind services or facilities, the certificated telecommunications provider not subject to an existing franchise agreement or ordinance shall pay an amount equal to an additional one percent of its total fees under the applicable agreement or ordinance in lieu of any in-kind services or facilities, if any, that otherwise are required under the terms of the existing franchise agreement or ordinance. However, the municipality may not require a certificated telecommunications provider to provide any services or facilities without compensation or at below-market rates for the right to use a public right-of-way or to provide telecommunications services in the municipality. On request of the certificated telecommunications provider not subject to an existing franchise agreement or ordinance, the commission shall convert the compensation under the existing franchise agreement or ordinance to a fee per access line on a competitively neutral and non-discriminatory basis, and the certificated telecommunications provider may elect to pay the municipality on a fee per access line basis rather than the manner of compensation provided under the existing franchise agreement or ordinance.
Added by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 840, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1999.