Texas Statutes
Chapter 242 - Authority of Municipality and County to Regulate Subdivisions in and Outside Municipality's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction
Section 242.001. Regulation of Subdivisions in Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Generally

Sec. 242.001. REGULATION OF SUBDIVISIONS IN EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION GENERALLY. (a) This section applies only to a county operating under Sections 232.001-232.005 or Subchapter B, C, or E, Chapter 232, and a municipality that has extraterritorial jurisdiction in that county. Subsections (b)-(g) do not apply:
(1) within a county that contains extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality with a population of 1.9 million or more;
(2) within a county within 50 miles of an international border, or to which Subchapter C, Chapter 232, applies; or
(3) to a tract of land subject to a development agreement under Subchapter G, Chapter 212, or other provisions of this code.
(b) For an area in a municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction, as defined by Section 212.001, a plat may not be filed with the county clerk without the approval of the governmental entity authorized under Subsection (c) or (d) to regulate subdivisions in the area.
(c) Except as provided by Subsections (d)(3) and (4), a municipality and a county may not both regulate subdivisions and approve related permits in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality after an agreement under Subsection (d) is executed. The municipality and the county shall enter into a written agreement that identifies the governmental entity authorized to regulate subdivision plats and approve related permits in the extraterritorial jurisdiction. For a municipality in existence on September 1, 2001, the municipality and county shall enter into a written agreement under this subsection on or before April 1, 2002. For a municipality incorporated after September 1, 2001, the municipality and county shall enter into a written agreement under this subsection not later than the 120th day after the date the municipality incorporates. On reaching an agreement, the municipality and county shall certify that the agreement complies with the requirements of this chapter. The municipality and the county shall adopt the agreement by order, ordinance, or resolution. The agreement must be amended by the municipality and the county if necessary to take into account an expansion or reduction in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the municipality. The municipality shall notify the county of any expansion or reduction in the municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction. Any expansion or reduction in the municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction that affects property that is subject to a preliminary or final plat, a plat application, or an application for a related permit filed with the municipality or the county or that was previously approved under Section 212.009 or Chapter 232 does not affect any rights accrued under Chapter 245. The approval of the plat, any permit, a plat application, or an application for a related permit remains effective as provided by Chapter 245 regardless of the change in designation as extraterritorial jurisdiction of the municipality.
(d) An agreement under Subsection (c) may grant the authority to regulate subdivision plats and approve related permits in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality as follows:
(1) the municipality may be granted exclusive jurisdiction to regulate subdivision plats and approve related permits in the extraterritorial jurisdiction and may regulate subdivisions under Subchapter A of Chapter 212 and other statutes applicable to municipalities;
(2) the county may be granted exclusive jurisdiction to regulate subdivision plats and approve related permits in the extraterritorial jurisdiction and may regulate subdivisions under Sections 232.001-232.005, Subchapter B or C, Chapter 232, and other statutes applicable to counties;
(3) the municipality and the county may apportion the area within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the municipality with the municipality regulating subdivision plats and approving related permits in the area assigned to the municipality and the county regulating subdivision plats and approving related permits in the area assigned to the county; or
(4) the municipality and the county may enter into an interlocal agreement that:
(A) establishes one office that is authorized to:
(i) accept plat applications for tracts of land located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction;
(ii) collect municipal and county plat application fees in a lump-sum amount; and
(iii) provide applicants one response indicating approval or denial of the plat application; and
(B) establishes a single set of consolidated and consistent regulations related to plats, subdivision construction plans, and subdivisions of land as authorized by Chapter 212, Sections 232.001-232.005, Subchapters B and C, Chapter 232, and other statutes applicable to municipalities and counties that will be enforced in the extraterritorial jurisdiction.
(e) In an unincorporated area outside the extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality, the municipality may not regulate subdivisions or approve the filing of plats, except as provided by The Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791, Government Code.
(f) If a certified agreement between a county and municipality as required by Subsection (c) is not in effect on or before the applicable date prescribed by Section 242.0015(a), the municipality and the county must enter into arbitration as provided by Section 242.0015. If the arbitrator or arbitration panel, as applicable, has not reached a decision in the 60-day period as provided by Section 242.0015, the arbitrator or arbitration panel, as applicable, shall issue an interim decision regarding the regulation of plats and subdivisions and approval of related permits in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the municipality. The interim decision shall provide for a single set of regulations and authorize a single entity to regulate plats and subdivisions. The interim decision remains in effect only until the arbitrator or arbitration panel reaches a final decision.
(g) If a regulation or agreement adopted under this section relating to plats and subdivisions of land or subdivision development establishes a plan for future roads that conflicts with a proposal or plan for future roads adopted by a metropolitan planning organization, the proposal or plan of the metropolitan planning organization prevails.
(h) This subsection applies only to a county to which Subsections (b)-(g) do not apply, except that this subsection does not apply to a county subject to Section 242.002 or a county that has entered into an agreement under Section 242.003. For an area in a municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction, as defined by Section 212.001, a plat may not be filed with the county clerk without the approval of both the municipality and the county. If a municipal regulation and a county regulation relating to plats and subdivisions of land conflict, the more stringent regulation prevails. However, if one governmental entity requires a plat to be filed for the subdivision of a particular tract of land in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the municipality and the other governmental entity does not require the filing of a plat for that subdivision, the authority responsible for approving plats for the governmental entity that does not require the filing shall issue on request of the subdivider a written certification stating that a plat is not required to be filed for that subdivision of the land. The certification must be attached to a plat required to be filed under this subsection.
(i) Property subject to pending approval of a preliminary or final plat application filed after September 1, 2002, that is released from the extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality shall be subject only to county approval of the plat application and related permits and county regulation of that plat. This subsection does not apply to the simultaneous exchange of extraterritorial jurisdiction between two or more municipalities or an exchange of extraterritorial jurisdiction that is contingent on the subsequent approval by the releasing municipality.
Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987. Amended by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 1, Sec. 46(c), 87(n), eff. Aug. 28, 1989; Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 1428, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1997; Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 404, Sec. 26, eff. Sept. 1, 1999; Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. 736, Sec. 2, eff. Sept. 1, 2001; Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. 1028, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 2001; Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 523, Sec. 1, 3(a), 4, eff. June 20, 2003.
Amended by:
Acts 2013, 83rd Leg., R.S., Ch. 971 (H.B. 1970), Sec. 1, eff. June 14, 2013.