Texas Statutes
Subchapter A. Authorized Investments for Governmental Entities
Section 2256.0206. Authorized Investments: Hedging Transactions

(1) "Eligible entity" means a political subdivision that has:
(A) a principal amount of at least $250 million in:
(i) outstanding long-term indebtedness;
(ii) long-term indebtedness proposed to be issued; or
(iii) a combination of outstanding long-term indebtedness and long-term indebtedness proposed to be issued; and
(B) outstanding long-term indebtedness that is rated in one of the four highest rating categories for long-term debt instruments by a nationally recognized rating agency for municipal securities, without regard to the effect of any credit agreement or other form of credit enhancement entered into in connection with the obligation.
(2) "Eligible project" has the meaning assigned by Section 1371.001.
(3) "Hedging" means acting to protect against economic loss due to price fluctuation of a commodity or related investment by entering into an offsetting position or using a financial agreement or producer price agreement in a correlated security, index, or other commodity.
(b) This section prevails to the extent of any conflict between this section and:
(1) another law; or
(2) an eligible entity's municipal charter, if applicable.
(c) The governing body of an eligible entity shall establish the entity's policy regarding hedging transactions.
(d) An eligible entity may enter into hedging transactions, including hedging contracts, and related security, credit, and insurance agreements in connection with commodities used by an eligible entity in the entity's general operations, with the acquisition or construction of a capital project, or with an eligible project. A hedging transaction must comply with the regulations of the federal Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the federal Securities and Exchange Commission.
(e) An eligible entity may pledge as security for and to the payment of a hedging contract or a security, credit, or insurance agreement any general or special revenues or funds the entity is authorized by law to pledge to the payment of any other obligation.
(f) Section 1371.059(c) applies to the execution by an eligible entity of a hedging contract and any related security, credit, or insurance agreement.
(g) An eligible entity may credit any amount the entity receives under a hedging contract against expenses associated with a commodity purchase.
(h) An eligible entity's cost of or payment under a hedging contract or agreement may be considered:
(1) an operation and maintenance expense of the eligible entity;
(2) an acquisition expense of the eligible entity;
(3) a project cost of an eligible project; or
(4) a construction expense of the eligible entity.
Added by Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. 773 (H.B. 1003), Sec. 7, eff. June 14, 2017.

Structure Texas Statutes

Texas Statutes

Government Code

Title 10 - General Government

Subtitle F - State and Local Contracts and Fund Management

Chapter 2256 - Public Funds Investment

Subchapter A. Authorized Investments for Governmental Entities

Section 2256.001. Short Title

Section 2256.002. Definitions

Section 2256.003. Authority to Invest Funds; Entities Subject to This Chapter

Section 2256.004. Applicability

Section 2256.005. Investment Policies; Investment Strategies; Investment Officer

Section 2256.006. Standard of Care

Section 2256.007. Investment Training; State Agency Board Members and Officers

Section 2256.008. Investment Training; Local Governments

Section 2256.009. Authorized Investments: Obligations Of, or Guaranteed by Governmental Entities

Section 2256.010. Authorized Investments: Certificates of Deposit and Share Certificates

Section 2256.011. Authorized Investments: Repurchase Agreements

Section 2256.0115. Authorized Investments: Securities Lending Program

Section 2256.012. Authorized Investments: Banker's Acceptances

Section 2256.013. Authorized Investments: Commercial Paper

Section 2256.014. Authorized Investments: Mutual Funds

Section 2256.015. Authorized Investments: Guaranteed Investment Contracts

Section 2256.016. Authorized Investments: Investment Pools

Section 2256.017. Existing Investments

Section 2256.019. Rating of Certain Investment Pools

Section 2256.020. Authorized Investments: Institutions of Higher Education

Section 2256.0201. Authorized Investments; Municipal Utility

Section 2256.0202. Authorized Investments: Municipal Funds From Management and Development of Mineral Rights

Section 2256.0203. Authorized Investments: Ports and Navigation Districts

Section 2256.0204. Authorized Investments: Independent School Districts

Section 2256.0205. Authorized Investments; Decommissioning Trust

Section 2256.0206. Authorized Investments: Hedging Transactions

Section 2256.0207. Authorized Investments: Public Junior College District Funds From Management and Development of Mineral Rights

Section 2256.0208. Local Government Investment of Bond Proceeds and Pledged Revenue

Section 2256.021. Effect of Loss of Required Rating

Section 2256.022. Expansion of Investment Authority

Section 2256.023. Internal Management Reports

Section 2256.024. Subchapter Cumulative

Section 2256.025. Selection of Authorized Brokers

Section 2256.026. Statutory Compliance