Texas Statutes
Chapter 3 - Water Control and Preservation Districts
Article 7855. Contract: Payment

(b) The directors shall draw a voucher on the District depository for the amount of any payments in favor of the contractor or his assignee. Said vouchers shall be paid out of the Construction and Maintenance Fund. The District will make progress payments monthly as the work proceeds, or at more frequent intervals as determined by the district engineer, on estimates approved by the district engineer. If requested by the district engineer, the contractor shall furnish a breakdown of the total contract price showing the amount included therein for each principal category of the work, in such detail as requested, to provide a basis for determining progress payments. In the preparation of estimates the district engineer, at his discretion, may authorize material delivered on the site and preparatory work done to be taken into consideration. Material delivered to the contractor at locations other than the site may also be taken into consideration (1) if such consideration is specifically authorized by the contract and (2) if the contractor furnishes satisfactory evidence that he has acquired title to such material and that it will be utilized on the work covered by this contract.
(c) In making such progress payments, there shall be retained 10 percent of the estimated amount until final completion and acceptance of the contract work. However, if the directors, at any time after 50 percent of the work has been completed, find that satisfactory progress is being made, they may authorize any of the remaining progress payments to be made in full. Also, whenever the work is substantially complete, the directors, if they consider the amount retained to be in excess of the amount adequate for the protection of the district, at their discretion, may release to the contractor all or a portion of such excess amount. Furthermore, on completion and acceptance of each separate project, public work, or other division of the contract, on which the price is stated separately in the contract, payment may be made therefor without retention of a percentage.
Acts 1918, 35th Leg., 4th C.S., p. 74, ch. 43; Acts 1971, 62nd Leg., p. 2775, ch. 899, Sec. 1, eff. June 14, 1971.

Structure Texas Statutes

Texas Statutes

Auxiliary Water Laws

Chapter 3 - Water Control and Preservation Districts

Article 7808. May Establish

Article 7809. Purposes

Article 7810. Powers

Article 7811. Petition

Article 7812. Contingent Deposit

Article 7813. Notice of Hearing

Article 7814. Hearing

Article 7815. Hearing: Authority of Court

Article 7816. Findings

Article 7817. May Renew Petition

Article 7819. Appeal: Proceedings

Article 7820. Election Order

Article 7821. Notice of Election

Article 7822. Ballot

Article 7823. Election: Conduct Of

Article 7824. List of Voters

Article 7825. Voter's Oath

Article 7826. Taxpayer's Oath

Article 7827. Results of Election

Article 7828. Declaration of Result

Article 7829. Board of Directors

Article 7830. Combined District

Article 7831. Combined District: Declaration

Article 7832. Combined District: Hearing

Article 7833. Combined District: Directors

Article 7834. Combined District: Election

Article 7835. Director's Bond and Oath

Article 7836. County Officers: Compensation

Article 7837. Organization of Board

Article 7838. Meetings

Article 7839. Powers

Article 7840. Powers: Limitation

Article 7841. Further Powers

Article 7842. Official Bonds

Article 7843. District Records

Article 7844. Disbursements

Article 7845. District Depository

Article 7846. Audit and Report

Article 7847. Status of District

Article 7848. Suits Affecting District

Article 7849. Property Rights

Article 7849a. Resisting Water Control Officer

Article 7850. Eminent Domain

Article 7851. District Engineer

Article 7852. Federal Co-Operation

Article 7853. Construction Contracts

Article 7854. Supervision of Work

Article 7855. Contract: Payment

Article 7856. Maintenance of District

Article 7857. Joint Project

Article 7858. Joint Action

Article 7859. Issuance of Bonds

Article 7860. Bonds: Requisites

Article 7861. Bonds: Limit of Issue

Article 7862. Bonds: Record

Article 7863. Change in Plans

Article 7864. Additional Bonds

Article 7865. Resolution

Article 7866. Additional Bonds: Requisites

Article 7867. Additional Bonds: Ballot

Article 7868. Bonds: Sale

Article 7869. Construction and Maintenance Fund

Article 7870. Tax Levy

Article 7871. Assessment and Collection of Taxes

Article 7877. Maintenance Tax

Article 7879. Interest and Sinking Fund

Article 7880. May Invest Sinking Fund