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Section 38-29-1 - Definitions. - 38-29-1. Definitions. Terms used in this chapter, unless the context...
Section 38-29-2 - Soybean Research and Promotion Council--Establishment--Members--Terms. - 38-29-2. Soybean Research and Promotion Council--Establishment--Members--Terms. There is hereby established...
Section 38-29-3 - Election of members. - 38-29-3. Election of members. Successors to the initial members and...
Section 38-29-4 - Vacancies--Appointments to fill. - 38-29-4. Vacancies--Appointments to fill. If a member of the council...
Section 38-29-5 - Officers--Quorum--Meetings. - 38-29-5. Officers--Quorum--Meetings. The soybean research and promotion council shall annually...
Section 38-29-6 - Checkoff fees deposited into special fund--Appropriation--Expenditures. - 38-29-6. Checkoff fees deposited into special fund--Appropriation--Expenditures. Moneys collected from...
Section 38-29-7 - Powers of council. - 38-29-7. Powers of council. The Soybean Research and Promotion Council...
Section 38-29-7.1 - Promulgation of rules. - 38-29-7.1. Promulgation of rules. The council may promulgate rules pursuant...
Section 38-29-8 - Assessment on soybeans grown in state or sold to first purchaser within state--Rate--Exemption for organic soybeans. - 38-29-8. Assessment on soybeans grown in state or sold to...
Section 38-29-9 - Collection of assessment. - 38-29-9. Collection of assessment. Any first purchaser of soybeans shall...
Section 38-29-9.1 - Assessment conditioned on repeal of National Soybean Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Act. - 38-29-9.1. Assessment conditioned on repeal of National Soybean Promotion, Research,...
Section 38-29-10 - Application by first purchaser required. - 38-29-10. Application by first purchaser required. Any first purchaser of...
Section 38-29-11 - Records and reports--Remittance of assessment. - 38-29-11. Records and reports--Remittance of assessment. Any first purchaser shall...
Section 38-29-11.1 - Enforcement against first purchaser failing to remit assessments. - 38-29-11.1. Enforcement against first purchaser failing to remit assessments. If...
Section 38-29-13 - Information and instructions to be disseminated by council. - 38-29-13. Information and instructions to be disseminated by council. The...
Section 38-29-14 - Council may contract with Public Utilities Commission to inspect assessment and checkoff records. - 38-29-14. Council may contract with Public Utilities Commission to inspect...