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Section 27A-15-1 - Definition of terms. - 27A-15-1. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter mean:...
Section 27A-15-1.1 - Serious emotional disturbance defined. - 27A-15-1.1. Serious emotional disturbance defined. For the purposes of this...
Section 27A-15-3 - Separation of minors from adult patients--Exception. - 27A-15-3. Separation of minors from adult patients--Exception. Except as otherwise...
Section 27A-15-4 - Application for admission of minor--Emergency admission--Secretary and court not precluded from placing child upon recommendation of qualified mental health professional. - 27A-15-4. Application for admission of minor--Emergency admission--Secretary and court not...
Section 27A-15-5 - Criteria for admission of minor. - 27A-15-5. Criteria for admission of minor. Subject to the provisions...
Section 27A-15-8 - Execution of written application--Explanation of nature of inpatient status--Reference to service center for independent evaluation. - 27A-15-8. Execution of written application--Explanation of nature of inpatient status--Reference...
Section 27A-15-9 - Informed consent--Oral and written--Copy to parent and minor. - 27A-15-9. Informed consent--Oral and written--Copy to parent and minor. An...
Section 27A-15-10 - Admission immediately upon determination that criteria met--Clinical evaluation--Continued admission--Delivery of clinical evaluation to parent. - 27A-15-10. Admission immediately upon determination that criteria met--Clinical evaluation--Continued admission--Delivery...
Section 27A-15-12 - Discharge of minor upon written notice of parent's intent to terminate inpatient treatment--Emergency intervention. - 27A-15-12. Discharge of minor upon written notice of parent's intent...
Section 27A-15-13 - Denial of admission--Referral to other programs or services. - 27A-15-13. Denial of admission--Referral to other programs or services. If...
Section 27A-15-15.1 - Objection to continued inpatient treatment--Form and execution. - 27A-15-15.1. Objection to continued inpatient treatment--Form and execution. A minor...
Section 27A-15-15.2 - Filing written objection--Notice of right to counsel--Hearing--Possible discharge. - 27A-15-15.2. Filing written objection--Notice of right to counsel--Hearing--Possible discharge. If...
Section 27A-15-15.3 - Determination to hold hearing--Counsel appointed to minor--Attorney's conflict of interest. - 27A-15-15.3. Determination to hold hearing--Counsel appointed to minor--Attorney's conflict of...
Section 27A-15-15.4 - Time limit for hearing--Location--Expenses. - 27A-15-15.4. Time limit for hearing--Location--Expenses. Within five days after the...
Section 27A-15-15.5 - Finding of hearing as to minor's residence--Parent's residence--Reopening hearing. - 27A-15-15.5. Finding of hearing as to minor's residence--Parent's residence--Reopening hearing....
Section 27A-15-15.6 - Testimony of mental health professional--Alternatives to inpatient treatment. - 27A-15-15.6. Testimony of mental health professional--Alternatives to inpatient treatment. The...
Section 27A-15-17.1 - Independent evaluation within twenty-four hours of objection. - 27A-15-17.1. Independent evaluation within twenty-four hours of objection. The chairman...
Section 27A-15-18 - Discharge prior to hearing ordered by chairman of county board. - 27A-15-18. Discharge prior to hearing ordered by chairman of county...
Section 27A-15-19 - Hearing following objection--Time limit. - 27A-15-19. Hearing following objection--Time limit. Within five days after service...
Section 27A-15-20 - Overrule of minor's objection--Continued treatment or immediate discharge. - 27A-15-20. Overrule of minor's objection--Continued treatment or immediate discharge. Upon...
Section 27A-15-21 - Written comprehensive individualized treatment plan--Basis for plan. - 27A-15-21. Written comprehensive individualized treatment plan--Basis for plan. Within ten...
Section 27A-15-22 - Review of treatment plan. - 27A-15-22. Review of treatment plan. The minor's treatment plan shall...
Section 27A-15-23 - Educational programming. - 27A-15-23. Educational programming. The administrator or facility director shall ensure...
Section 27A-15-24 - Periodic evaluation. - 27A-15-24. Periodic evaluation. Within forty-five days after the admission of...
Section 27A-15-25 - Minor to be informed of rights prior to sixteenth birthday--Informed consent required upon eighteenth birthday. - 27A-15-25. Minor to be informed of rights prior to sixteenth...
Section 27A-15-26 - Discharge upon determination that criteria no longer being met. - 27A-15-26. Discharge upon determination that criteria no longer being met....
Section 27A-15-27 - Predischarge plan of aftercare. - 27A-15-27. Predischarge plan of aftercare. A predischarge plan of aftercare...
Section 27A-15-28 - Involuntary commitment. - 27A-15-28. Involuntary commitment. A minor may be subject to involuntary...
Section 27A-15-29 - Criteria governing involuntary commitment. - 27A-15-29. Criteria governing involuntary commitment. A minor is subject to...
Section 27A-15-30 - Petition for immediate intervention for protection of minor with serious emotional disturbance--Contents. - 27A-15-30. Petition for immediate intervention for protection of minor with...
Section 27A-15-31 - Apprehension and transportation of minor for involuntary commitment--Separation from adult detainees or patients. - 27A-15-31. Apprehension and transportation of minor for involuntary commitment--Separation from...
Section 27A-15-32 - Apprehension by police officer for emergency intervention--Jail not used for custody of minor. - 27A-15-32. Apprehension by police officer for emergency intervention--Jail not used...
Section 27A-15-33 - Immediate notification of rights. - 27A-15-33. Immediate notification of rights. Immediately after the minor is...
Section 27A-15-34 - Release if criteria not met--Transportation--Detention if criteria met. - 27A-15-34. Release if criteria not met--Transportation--Detention if criteria met. If...
Section 27A-15-35 - Appointment of counsel--Conflict of interest. - 27A-15-35. Appointment of counsel--Conflict of interest. If upon completion of...
Section 27A-15-36 - Procedure if hearing to be held--Alternative treatment. - 27A-15-36. Procedure if hearing to be held--Alternative treatment. If upon...
Section 27A-15-37 - Completion of hearing--Board's determination--Commitment or release. - 27A-15-37. Completion of hearing--Board's determination--Commitment or release. Upon completion of...
Section 27A-15-38 - Time limit to implement individualized treatment plan--Purpose of plan. - 27A-15-38. Time limit to implement individualized treatment plan--Purpose of plan....
Section 27A-15-39 - Educational programming for involuntarily committed minor. - 27A-15-39. Educational programming for involuntarily committed minor. The administrator, facility...
Section 27A-15-40 - Periodic review following involuntary commitment--Assessment--Right to refuse treatment. - 27A-15-40. Periodic review following involuntary commitment--Assessment--Right to refuse treatment. Within...
Section 27A-15-41 - Review hearing--Notice--Rights and procedures. - 27A-15-41. Review hearing--Notice--Rights and procedures. Within forty-five days after the...
Section 27A-15-42 - Additional review hearings--Rights, procedures, and findings. - 27A-15-42. Additional review hearings--Rights, procedures, and findings. Notwithstanding the provisions...
Section 27A-15-43 - Review of treatment plan. - 27A-15-43. Review of treatment plan. The minor's treatment plan shall...
Section 27A-15-44 - Predischarge plan of aftercare for involuntarily committed minor. - 27A-15-44. Predischarge plan of aftercare for involuntarily committed minor. A...
Section 27A-15-45 - Experimental treatments prohibited--Petition for authorization under certain circumstances. - 27A-15-45. Experimental treatments prohibited--Petition for authorization under certain circumstances. Except...
Section 27A-15-46 - Oral and written informed consent of parent or guardian required for use of psychotropic medication on minor under sixteen. - 27A-15-46. Oral and written informed consent of parent or guardian...
Section 27A-15-47 - Oral and written informed consent of minor and parent required for use of psychotropic medication on minor sixteen or older. - 27A-15-47. Oral and written informed consent of minor and parent...
Section 27A-15-48 - Right to refuse psychotropic medication, convulsive or shock therapy and electric shock--Exception--Parental consent--Judicial determination. - 27A-15-48. Right to refuse psychotropic medication, convulsive or shock therapy...
Section 27A-15-49 - Petition to continue treatment with psychotropic medication. - 27A-15-49. Petition to continue treatment with psychotropic medication. If a...
Section 27A-15-50 - Court-ordered medication or treatment--Time limit--Notification of parent or guardian--Termination of order. - 27A-15-50. Court-ordered medication or treatment--Time limit--Notification of parent or guardian--Termination...
Section 27A-15-51 - Treatments continuously monitored--Periodic review--Least restrictive treatment. - 27A-15-51. Treatments continuously monitored--Periodic review--Least restrictive treatment. The administration of...
Section 27A-15-54 - Mental health centers may designate interagency teams--Role of teams--Composition. - 27A-15-54. Mental health centers may designate interagency teams--Role of teams--Composition....
Section 27A-15-59 - Immunity for local interagency team members. - 27A-15-59. Immunity for local interagency team members. Any person serving...