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Section 27A-12-1 - Individual privacy and dignity to be respected. - 27A-12-1. Individual privacy and dignity to be respected. Each person...
Section 27A-12-1.1 - "Person" defined. - 27A-12-1.1."Person" defined. For the purpose of this chapter, the term...
Section 27A-12-1.2 - Commitment not conclusive on competence. - 27A-12-1.2. Commitment not conclusive on competence. Notwithstanding any other provision...
Section 27A-12-3 - Notice of rights furnished patient--Display. - 27A-12-3. Notice of rights furnished patient--Display. Each person admitted or...
Section 27A-12-3.1 - Rights enumerated--Limitations on rights. - 27A-12-3.1. Rights enumerated--Limitations on rights. Any person, if otherwise qualified,...
Section 27A-12-3.2 - Right to treatment through spiritual means. - 27A-12-3.2. Right to treatment through spiritual means. Nothing in this...
Section 27A-12-3.3 - Right of access to protection of receiving assistance. - 27A-12-3.3. Right of access to protection of receiving assistance. Notwithstanding...
Section 27A-12-3.4 - Labor for benefit of facility. - 27A-12-3.4. Labor for benefit of facility. A person may perform...
Section 27A-12-3.5 - Discharge not conditioned on labor--Compensation exempt from facility charges. - 27A-12-3.5. Discharge not conditioned on labor--Compensation exempt from facility charges....
Section 27A-12-3.6 - Comprehensive individualized treatment plan--Right to participate in planning--Purpose of plan--Periodic review. - 27A-12-3.6. Comprehensive individualized treatment plan--Right to participate in planning--Purpose of...
Section 27A-12-3.7 - Aftercare plan to facilitate discharge. - 27A-12-3.7. Aftercare plan to facilitate discharge. An aftercare plan shall...
Section 27A-12-3.8 - Examination and review of behavioral status after admission. - 27A-12-3.8. Examination and review of behavioral status after admission. Each...
Section 27A-12-3.9 - Review of need for continued treatment--Release if implementation of treatment plan untimely. - 27A-12-3.9. Review of need for continued treatment--Release if implementation of...
Section 27A-12-3.10 - Application for transfer from involuntary to voluntary status. - 27A-12-3.10. Application for transfer from involuntary to voluntary status. Each...
Section 27A-12-3.11 - Emergency surgery or treatment--Documentation of necessity--Immunity from liability--Health care--Sterilization. - 27A-12-3.11. Emergency surgery or treatment--Documentation of necessity--Immunity from liability--Health care--Sterilization....
Section 27A-12-3.12 - Right to refuse being subjected to research or experimental or intrusive procedures or medication--Exceptions. - 27A-12-3.12. Right to refuse being subjected to research or experimental...
Section 27A-12-3.13 - Petition for authority to administer psychotropic medication or other medical treatment--Examination and physician opinion of incapacity to consent required. - 27A-12-3.13. Petition for authority to administer psychotropic medication or other...
Section 27A-12-3.14 - Service of petition and notice of hearing--Content--Appointment of counsel--Hearing. - 27A-12-3.14. Service of petition and notice of hearing--Content--Appointment of counsel--Hearing....
Section 27A-12-3.15 - Order for psychotropic medication or other treatment when person incapable of consent. - 27A-12-3.15. Order for psychotropic medication or other treatment when person...
Section 27A-12-3.16 - Time limit for administration of psychotropic medication or other medical treatment--Termination of order--Review of necessity of treatment. - 27A-12-3.16. Time limit for administration of psychotropic medication or other...
Section 27A-12-3.17 - Compensation of appointed attorney by county of residence. - 27A-12-3.17. Compensation of appointed attorney by county of residence. The...
Section 27A-12-3.18 - Access to attorney and private physician. - 27A-12-3.18. Access to attorney and private physician. Notwithstanding ยง27A-12-3.1, a...
Section 27A-12-3.19 - Personal appearance at hearing not compulsory--Presenting evidence. - 27A-12-3.19. Personal appearance at hearing not compulsory--Presenting evidence. The person...
Section 27A-12-3.21 - Experimental research and hazardous procedure to be approved by secretary of social services. - 27A-12-3.21. Experimental research and hazardous procedure to be approved by...
Section 27A-12-3.22 - Psychosurgery, aversive stimuli, and substantial deprivations prohibited. - 27A-12-3.22. Psychosurgery, aversive stimuli, and substantial deprivations prohibited. No person...
Section 27A-12-6.1 - Restrictive treatment procedures--Documentation--Prior approval-- Limitation. - 27A-12-6.1. Restrictive treatment procedures--Documentation--Prior approval--Limitation. Restrictive treatment procedures which impose...
Section 27A-12-6.2 - Seclusion or restraint--Clinical justification required--Rationale--Appropriate manner. - 27A-12-6.2. Seclusion or restraint--Clinical justification required--Rationale--Appropriate manner. The use of...
Section 27A-12-25 - Individual records required--Contents--Confidentiality. - 27A-12-25. Individual records required--Contents--Confidentiality. A complete statistical and medical record...
Section 27A-12-25.1 - Information closed to public inspection--Sealed upon termination of proceedings. - 27A-12-25.1. Information closed to public inspection--Sealed upon termination of proceedings....
Section 27A-12-26 - Confidentiality of information acquired in course of providing mental health services. - 27A-12-26. Confidentiality of information acquired in course of providing mental...
Section 27A-12-26.1 - Access to own records--Exceptions--Confidentiality following discharge. - 27A-12-26.1. Access to own records--Exceptions--Confidentiality following discharge. A person has...
Section 27A-12-27 - Obligation to disclose confidential information. - 27A-12-27. Obligation to disclose confidential information. If requested, information shall...
Section 27A-12-27.1 - Request for notice and notice of pending discharge. - 27A-12-27.1. Request for notice and notice of pending discharge. If...
Section 27A-12-27.2 - Detention of person subject to petition for involuntary commitment if necessary for law enforcement to obtain custody. - 27A-12-27.2. Detention of person subject to petition for involuntary commitment...
Section 27A-12-27.3 - Immunity from liability for good faith detention. - 27A-12-27.3. Immunity from liability for good faith detention. The detention...
Section 27A-12-29 - Discretionary disclosure of confidential information. - 27A-12-29. Discretionary disclosure of confidential information. Information may be disclosed...
Section 27A-12-30 - Released information approved by administrator--Record of release. - 27A-12-30. Released information approved by administrator--Record of release. Any release...
Section 27A-12-31 - Identity of patient protected in disclosing information--Disclosure limited by germaneness. - 27A-12-31. Identity of patient protected in disclosing information--Disclosure limited by...
Section 27A-12-32 - Disclosure by recipient of confidential information. - 27A-12-32. Disclosure by recipient of confidential information. Any person receiving...
Section 27A-12-32.1 - Asserting grievances. - 27A-12-32.1. Asserting grievances. A person may assert grievances with respect...
Section 27A-12-32.2 - Habeas corpus available for committed, confined, detained, or restrained person. - 27A-12-32.2. Habeas corpus available for committed, confined, detained, or restrained...
Section 27A-12-33 - Provisions of title do not replace or limit other rights. - 27A-12-33. Provisions of title do not replace or limit other...
Section 27A-12-33.1 - Exercise of rights. - 27A-12-33.1. Exercise of rights. The exercise of rights afforded in...
Section 27A-12-34 - Notification to guardian or next of kin as to admission or commitment to, or discharge from, Human Services Center. - 27A-12-34. Notification to guardian or next of kin as to...