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Chapter 14 - Children S Trust Fund
Section 26-14-1 - Creation--Expenditure restricted. - 26-14-1. Creation--Expenditure restricted. The children's trust fund is created as...
Section 26-14-2 - Acceptance of contributions. - 26-14-2. Acceptance of contributions. The state treasurer may receive, by...
Section 26-14-3 - Use of fund--Administrative charges prohibited. - 26-14-3. Use of fund--Administrative charges prohibited. The children's trust fund...
Section 26-14-5 - Participating fund status. - 26-14-5. Participating fund status. The children's trust fund shall be...
Chapter 15 - Voluntary Fingerprinting Programs
Section 26-15-1 - Programs developed by school districts--Private schools. - 26-15-1. Programs developed by school districts--Private schools. Each public school...
Section 26-15-2 - Purpose--Requirements. - 26-15-2. Purpose--Requirements. Fingerprinting programs shall be developed for the sole...
Section 26-15-3 - Periodic offering of program--Notice to parents. - 26-15-3. Periodic offering of program--Notice to parents. The fingerprinting program...
Section 26-15-4 - Other fingerprinting programs unaffected. - 26-15-4. Other fingerprinting programs unaffected. This chapter does not apply...
Chapter 16 - County Interdisciplinary Child Information Teams
Section 26-16-1 - Agreement to form county interdisciplinary child information team--Members. - 26-16-1. Agreement to form county interdisciplinary child information team--Members. The...
Section 26-16-2 - Team voting to allow additional persons to join team--Authorized members. - 26-16-2. Team voting to allow additional persons to join team--Authorized...
Section 26-16-3 - Auxiliary teams. - 26-16-3. Auxiliary teams. The county interdisciplinary child information team may...
Section 26-16-4 - Information sharing in serving child for specified purposes--Confidentiality. - 26-16-4. Information sharing in serving child for specified purposes--Confidentiality. The...
Section 26-16-5 - Terms of written agreement--Filing. - 26-16-5. Terms of written agreement--Filing. The terms of the written...
Section 26-16-6 - Education records. - 26-16-6.Education records. To the extent that the county interdisciplinary child...
Section 26-16-7 - Immunity from civil liability for team members acting in good faith. - 26-16-7. Immunity from civil liability for team members acting in...
Section 26-16-8 - Agreement to include requirement for notice to parent or guardian--Exception. - 26-16-8. Agreement to include requirement for notice to parent or...
Chapter 17 - Missing Children
Section 26-17-1 - Agreement for parent locator service. - 26-17-1.Agreement for parent locator service. The Department of Social Services...
Section 26-17-2 - Missing child report--Time for law enforcement agency to integrate information into national crime information center computer. - 26-17-2. Missing child report--Time for law enforcement agency to integrate...
Section 26-17-3 - Notice to parents that information integrated into computer. - 26-17-3. Notice to parents that information integrated into computer. Whenever...
Section 26-17-4 - Information provided about missing child. - 26-17-4. Information provided about missing child. Each parent, custodial parent,...
Chapter 18 - Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act
Section 26-18-1 - Short title. - 26-18-1. Short title. This chapter may be cited as the...
Section 26-18-2 - Definitions. - 26-18-2. Definitions. In this chapter: (1)"Abduction" means the wrongful removal...
Section 26-18-3 - Cooperation and communication among courts. - 26-18-3. Cooperation and communication among courts. Sections 26-5B-110, 26-5B-111, and...
Section 26-18-4 - Actions for abduction prevention measures. - 26-18-4. Actions for abduction prevention measures. (a) A court on...
Section 26-18-5 - Jurisdiction. - 26-18-5. Jurisdiction. (a) A petition under this chapter may be...
Section 26-18-6 - Contents of petition. - 26-18-6. Contents of petition. A petition under this chapter must...
Section 26-18-7 - Factors to determine risk of abduction. - 26-18-7. Factors to determine risk of abduction. (a) In determining...
Section 26-18-8 - Provisions and measures to prevent abduction. - 26-18-8. Provisions and measures to prevent abduction. (a) If a...
Section 26-18-9 - Warrant to take physical custody of child. - 26-18-9. Warrant to take physical custody of child. (a) If...
Section 26-18-10 - Duration of abduction prevention order. - 26-18-10. Duration of abduction prevention order. An abduction prevention order...
Section 26-18-11 - Uniformity of application and construction. - 26-18-11. Uniformity of application and construction. In applying and construing...
Section 26-18-12 - Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act. - 26-18-12.Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act....