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Section 25-4A-1 - Custody or visitation rights enforceable by contempt proceedings. - 25-4A-1. Custody or visitation rights enforceable by contempt proceedings. After...
Section 25-4A-2 - Written request for order to show cause for violation of visitation or custody decree--Hearing date. - 25-4A-2. Written request for order to show cause for violation...
Section 25-4A-3 - Affirmative inquiry into contempt--Contemnor's rights. - 25-4A-3. Affirmative inquiry into contempt--Contemnor's rights. At the hearing, the...
Section 25-4A-4 - Affirmative defense by contemnor. - 25-4A-4. Affirmative defense by contemnor. An alleged contemnor may plead...
Section 25-4A-4.1 - Motion for enforcement of visitation rights--Hearing. - 25-4A-4.1. Motion for enforcement of visitation rights--Hearing. If a noncustodial...
Section 25-4A-5 - Sanctions for violation of custody or visitation decree. - 25-4A-5. Sanctions for violation of custody or visitation decree. If...
Section 25-4A-5.1 - Copy of § 25-4A-5 attached to order for parenting time. - 25-4A-5.1. Copy of §25-4A-5 attached to order for parenting time....
Section 25-4A-6 - Probation for contemnor. - 25-4A-6. Probation for contemnor. The contemnor may be placed on...
Section 25-4A-7 - Motion to revoke probation of contemnor. - 25-4A-7. Motion to revoke probation of contemnor. Any violation of...
Section 25-4A-8 - Application of section 23A-38-2 to proceedings for custody or visitation decree violations. - 25-4A-8. Application of section 23A-38-2 to proceedings for custody or...
Section 25-4A-9 - Standard guidelines defined. - 25-4A-9. Standard guidelines defined. For the purposes of §§25-4A-9 to...
Section 25-4A-10 - Noncustodial parenting time--Minimum standard guidelines--Promulgation of court rules. - 25-4A-10. Noncustodial parenting time--Minimum standard guidelines--Promulgation of court rules. The...
Section 25-4A-11 - Plaintiff in custody action to file and serve guidelines--Guidelines as court order--Custody of minors. - 25-4A-11. Plaintiff in custody action to file and serve guidelines--Guidelines...
Section 25-4A-12 - Visitation agreement other than standard guidelines--Requirements. - 25-4A-12. Visitation agreement other than standard guidelines--Requirements. Any agreement by...
Section 25-4A-13 - Objections to custody or visitation order--Hearing--Temporary order. - 25-4A-13. Objections to custody or visitation order--Hearing--Temporary order. If either...
Section 25-4A-14 - Standard guidelines subject to certain court orders. - 25-4A-14. Standard guidelines subject to certain court orders. The standard...
Section 25-4A-15 - Attorney fees and costs. - 25-4A-15. Attorney fees and costs. The court may order either...
Section 25-4A-16 - Parents responsible for child support. - 25-4A-16. Parents responsible for child support. The parents are responsible...
Section 25-4A-16.1 - Request for implementation of standard visitation guidelines--Objection--Hearing--Order. - 25-4A-16.1. Request for implementation of standard visitation guidelines--Objection--Hearing--Order. Subject to...
Section 25-4A-17 - Notice required before relocating child--Exceptions. - 25-4A-17. Notice required before relocating child--Exceptions. If an existing custody...
Section 25-4A-18 - Contents of notice of relocation. - 25-4A-18. Contents of notice of relocation. The notice required in...
Section 25-4A-19 - Request for hearing on relocation--Presumption of consent--Best interests of child. - 25-4A-19. Request for hearing on relocation--Presumption of consent--Best interests of...
Section 25-4A-20 - Presumption that granting custody or visitation rights to person causing conception by rape or incest not in best interest of child. - 25-4A-20. Presumption that granting custody or visitation rights to person...
Section 25-4A-21 - Joint physical custody--Consideration upon application--Findings. - 25-4A-21. Joint physical custody--Consideration upon application--Findings. In any custody dispute...
Section 25-4A-22 - Rebuttable presumption upon finding of history of domestic abuse or assault. - 25-4A-22. Rebuttable presumption upon finding of history of domestic abuse...
Section 25-4A-23 - Home study or custody evaluation--Mediation. - 25-4A-23. Home study or custody evaluation--Mediation. Prior to ruling on...
Section 25-4A-24 - Factors for consideration on request for joint physical custody. - 25-4A-24. Factors for consideration on request for joint physical custody....
Section 25-4A-25 - Parental agreement for joint physical custody. - 25-4A-25. Parental agreement for joint physical custody. If both parents...
Section 25-4A-26 - No presumption of joint physical custody. - 25-4A-26. No presumption of joint physical custody. Nothing in §§25-4A-21...
Section 25-4A-27 - Modification of existing orders. - 25-4A-27. Modification of existing orders. The enactment of §§25-4A-21 to...
Section 25-4A-28 - Parenting time enforcement form on Unified Judicial System website. - 25-4A-28. Parenting time enforcement form on Unified Judicial System website....
Section 25-4A-29 - Commission on Parenting Time Guidelines--Creation--Duties. - 25-4A-29. Commission on Parenting Time Guidelines--Creation--Duties. The Supreme Court shall,...
Section 25-4A-30 - Commission on Parenting Time Guidelines--Composition. - 25-4A-30. Commission on Parenting Time Guidelines--Composition. The commission shall be...
Section 25-4A-31 - Commission on Parenting Time Guidelines--Hearings--Scope of review. - 25-4A-31. Commission on Parenting Time Guidelines--Hearings--Scope of review. The Commission...
Section 25-4A-32 - Court-approved parenting education for child custody and visitation actions. - 25-4A-32. Court-approved parenting education for child custody and visitation actions....
Section 25-4A-A - APPENDIX TO CHAPTER 25-4A - APPENDIX A. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER 25-4A South Dakota Parenting Guidelines...