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Section 13-3-1.4 - General supervision of accredited elementary and secondary schools. - 13-3-1.4. General supervision of accredited elementary and secondary schools. Subject...
Section 13-3-47 - Classification and accreditation of schools. - 13-3-47. Classification and accreditation of schools. The secretary of the...
Section 13-3-48 - Standards revision cycle--Content standards. - 13-3-48. Standards revision cycle--Content standards. The secretary of the Department...
Section 13-3-48.1 - Adoption of uniform content standards drafted by multistate consortium. - 13-3-48.1. Adoption of uniform content standards drafted by multistate consortium....
Section 13-3-51 - Data reporting and record systems--Evaluation--Promulgation of rules--Exception. - 13-3-51. Data reporting and record systems--Evaluation--Promulgation of rules--Exception. The secretary...
Section 13-3-51.1 - Definitions regarding privacy of records. - 13-3-51.1. Definitions regarding privacy of records. Terms used in §§13-3-51.1...
Section 13-3-51.2 - Information not subject to survey, analysis, or evaluation without consent. - 13-3-51.2. Information not subject to survey, analysis, or evaluation without...
Section 13-3-51.3 - Prohibition against reporting personally identifiable information--Exception. - 13-3-51.3. Prohibition against reporting personally identifiable information--Exception. The department may...
Section 13-3-51.4 - Department to develop security measures to protect personally identifiable information. - 13-3-51.4. Department to develop security measures to protect personally identifiable...
Section 13-3-51.5 - Disclosure of aggregate data otherwise allowed. - 13-3-51.5. Disclosure of aggregate data otherwise allowed. Nothing in §§13-3-51...
Section 13-3-51.6 - Disclosure of aggregate data necessary for impact aid. - 13-3-51.6. Disclosure of aggregate data necessary for impact aid. Nothing...
Section 13-3-55 - Academic achievement tests. - 13-3-55. Academic achievement tests. Every public school district shall annually...
Section 13-3-55.2 - Parental inspection and review of academic achievement test assessment. - 13-3-55.2. Parental inspection and review of academic achievement test assessment....
Section 13-3-56 - Test scores part of permanent record--Release of scores. - 13-3-56. Test scores part of permanent record--Release of scores. A...
Section 13-3-56.1 - Cheating on academic achievement test--Investigation. - 13-3-56.1. Cheating on academic achievement test--Investigation. If the superintendent of...
Section 13-3-56.2 - Report of investigation--Consequences of a determination of cheating. - 13-3-56.2. Report of investigation--Consequences of a determination of cheating. Following...
Section 13-3-60 - Department to analyze demographics of public education workforce. - 13-3-60. Department to analyze demographics of public education workforce. The...
Section 13-3-61 - Biennial assessment to comply with federal law--Timing. - 13-3-61. Biennial assessment to comply with federal law--Timing. Each public...
Section 13-3-62 - State accountability system established. - 13-3-62. State accountability system established. A single, statewide state accountability...
Section 13-3-63 - State accountability system based on standards approved by board--Annual academic indicators. - 13-3-63. State accountability system based on standards approved by board--Annual...
Section 13-3-64 - Comparison of students to state's proficient level of academic achievement--Continuous and substantial academic improvement. - 13-3-64. Comparison of students to state's proficient level of academic...
Section 13-3-65 - Annual determination of each school's progress. - 13-3-65. Annual determination of each school's progress. The state accountability...
Section 13-3-66 - Achievement standards established. - 13-3-66. Achievement standards established. Four levels of academic achievement shall...
Section 13-3-67 - Interventions--Ranking. - 13-3-67. Interventions--Ranking. The state accountability system shall include interventions for...
Section 13-3-68 - Department of Education to implement and administer state accountability system. - 13-3-68. Department of Education to implement and administer state accountability...
Section 13-3-69 - Promulgation of rules to establish state accountability system. - 13-3-69. Promulgation of rules to establish state accountability system. The...
Section 13-3-84 - Partially enrolled student required to take academic achievement test. - 13-3-84. Partially enrolled student required to take academic achievement test....
Section 13-3-89 - Public hearings prior to adoption of content standards--Quorum. - 13-3-89. Public hearings prior to adoption of content standards--Quorum. The...
Section 13-3-90 - Notice of intent to receive public comment and testimony--Notice of hearings. - 13-3-90. Notice of intent to receive public comment and testimony--Notice...
Section 13-3-91 - Cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills to be included in school curriculum. - 13-3-91. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills to be included in school curriculum....
Section 13-3-92 - Cardiopulmonary resuscitation training resources. - 13-3-92. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation training resources. Any training resources the secretary...
Section 13-3-93 - Annual survey of cardiopulmonary resuscitation instruction--Report to Legislature. - 13-3-93. Annual survey of cardiopulmonary resuscitation instruction--Report to Legislature. The...
Section 13-3-94 - Programs that may be used for cardiopulmonary resuscitation instruction. - 13-3-94. Programs that may be used for cardiopulmonary resuscitation instruction....
Section 13-3-95 - CPR and AED instructors. - 13-3-95. CPR and AED instructors. A certified teacher is not...
Section 13-3-96 - Annual survey of schools. - 13-3-96. Annual survey of schools. The Department of Education shall...
Section 13-3-97 - Waivers that affect school accountability. - 13-3-97. Waivers that affect school accountability. If United States Department...