South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 52 - Municipal Auditoriums
Section 9-52-4 - Authorization, issuance and sale of bonds--Vote required.

9-52-4. Authorization, issuance and sale of bonds--Vote required.
All bonds shall be authorized, issued, and sold as provided in chapter 6-8B, if a majority of the registered voters voting at the bond election vote to authorize the bond issue.

Source: SL 1951, ch 246, §1; SDC Supp 1960, §45.24B01; SL 1984, ch 43, §97.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 9 - Municipal Government

Chapter 52 - Municipal Auditoriums

Section 9-52-1 - Power to construct, operate, and maintain auditorium.

Section 9-52-1.1 - Lease of auditorium or convention center--Terms--Rent.

Section 9-52-2 - Power to create auditorium board.

Section 9-52-3 - Auditorium revenue bonds authorized--Purposes for which proceeds used.

Section 9-52-4 - Authorization, issuance and sale of bonds--Vote required.

Section 9-52-5 - Municipal indebtedness not authorized by chapter.

Section 9-52-6 - Revenue bonds payable solely from auditorium revenues--Credit and taxing powers not pledged.

Section 9-52-8 - Auditorium revenues appropriated to special fund--Operating expenses paid from fund--Net revenue pledged to separate account for bond retirement and reserves.

Section 9-52-9 - Covenants and agreements with bondholders for administration and security of bonds--Bondholders' right to compel performance.

Section 9-52-11 - Findings and determinations as binding covenants.

Section 9-52-12 - Reference to authorizing resolutions for matters not covered in bonds--Negotiability.

Section 9-52-15 - Bondholders' statutory mortgage on auditorium property--Enforcement of lien and compelling performance of duties.

Section 9-52-16 - Admission charges and auditorium rentals--Adequacy for expenses, return on municipal investment and retirement of bonds.

Section 9-52-17 - Operation for purpose of profit prohibited.

Section 9-52-23 - General powers of auditorium board--Copies of board proceedings as evidence.

Section 9-52-24 - Custody and disbursement of auditorium funds--Petty cash fund.

Section 9-52-25 - Annual report by auditorium board to governing body--Records subject to inspection.

Section 9-52-26 - Auditorium board governed by terms of bonds and resolutions.

Section 9-52-27 - Receivership on default in bonds or dissipation of auditorium assets--Powers of receiver--Termination of receivership.

Section 9-52-28 - Severability of chapter and resolutions.

Section 9-52-29 - Sale and lease-back arrangements--Tax exemption.

Section 9-52-30 - Sale and lease-back arrangements--Validation of prior actions.

Section 9-52-31 - Sale and lease-back arrangements--Powers additional.