South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 40 - Utility Facilities And Revenue Bonds
Section 9-40-15 - Bonds payable from revenue--Circumstances not requiring election.

9-40-15. Bonds payable from revenue--Circumstances not requiring election.
Bonds issued pursuant to this chapter shall be payable solely from the revenue or income derived from the operation of such utility constructed or otherwise acquired or extended or improved hereunder. The municipality may, in the resolution or ordinance authorizing the bonds, provide that all or any portion of the revenue or income from the utility to be constructed, or otherwise acquired, extended, or improved hereunder, or any part thereof, be segregated from the other revenue or income of the utility, and that only the segregated portion of the revenue or income so segregated be used for the payment of such bonds. The municipality may for this purpose establish a special charge or surcharge for the services of the facilities financed by the bonds. If the bonds are made payable solely from such segregated revenue or income, or if the bonds are issued in connection with a financing agreement described in §46A-1-49, then no election is required to authorize the issuance of the bonds, unless required by S.D. Const., Art. XIII, §4.

Source: SL 1931, ch 194, §5; SDC 1939, §45.2405; SL 1989, ch 77; SL 1990, ch 65.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 9 - Municipal Government

Chapter 40 - Utility Facilities And Revenue Bonds

Section 9-40-1 - Municipal power to acquire and operate utility systems--Types of services provided--Limits of service area.

Section 9-40-2 - Systems defined as utilities.

Section 9-40-3 - Combining of systems and services into single utility system.

Section 9-40-4 - Utility facilities outside municipal limits.

Section 9-40-4.1 - Water pollution prevention contracts.

Section 9-40-4.2 - Financial aid for sewerage and water facility systems--Federal contracts.

Section 9-40-4.3 - Contracts and creation of body for operation of sewerage and water facility systems.

Section 9-40-5 - Bond issue for erection or acquisition of utility--Credit of municipality not used--Authorization--Issuance--Sale.

Section 9-40-6 - Revenue bond issue for extension or improvement of utility.

Section 9-40-7 - Additional revenue bonds authorized when original issue insufficient--Priority of issues.

Section 9-40-8 - Provision for additional bond issues of equal standing.

Section 9-40-9 - Provision for extension or improvement of utility by additional bond issue--Junior to prior issues.

Section 9-40-10 - Resolution or ordinance to refer to chapter--Purchase price for utility to be specified.

Section 9-40-11 - Ordinance provisions for utility operation and security of bondholders.

Section 9-40-15 - Bonds payable from revenue--Circumstances not requiring election.

Section 9-40-15.1 - Collection of charges for sewerage, water services, and drainage basin utility districts--Amount and basis of charges--Surcharge on water bills.

Section 9-40-16 - Pledge of revenue to separate fund--Separate account for bond payments and reserve--Depreciation account and operational costs.

Section 9-40-17 - Revenue pledged to payment of extension and improvement bonds--Prior pledge for original bond issue.

Section 9-40-18 - Taxing power not used for payment of revenue bonds--Restriction on use of other municipal funds.

Section 9-40-19 - Chapter and resolution or ordinance incorporated in terms of bonds.

Section 9-40-21 - Separate or combined acquisition of utilities--Purchase price.

Section 9-40-22 - Payment of purchase price by issuance of bonds.

Section 9-40-23 - Bonds set apart for payment of underlying debt--Income set aside for debt retirement.

Section 9-40-24 - Exchange of bonds for underlying debt--Application of proceeds to debt.

Section 9-40-25 - Bondholders' statutory mortgage on utility--Disposition of utility prohibited until bonds retired.

Section 9-40-26 - Statutory lien continued until bonds paid.

Section 9-40-27 - Enforcement by bondholders of statutory mortgage and requirements of chapter.

Section 9-40-28 - Rates to cover bond retirement and operational costs.

Section 9-40-29 - Municipality to pay for services rendered by utility.

Section 9-40-31 - Expenditures from depreciation account--Investment of accumulations.

Section 9-40-32 - Surplus applied to other municipal or public purposes.

Section 9-40-33 - Receivership on default or mismanagement--Powers of receiver.

Section 9-40-34 - Judicial approval of rates charged during receivership--Criteria for establishment of rates.

Section 9-40-35 - Termination of receivership and restoration of municipal control.

Section 9-40-37 - Sale and lease-back arrangements for waterworks and waste disposal facilities.

Section 9-40-38 - Sale of waterworks and waste disposal facilities--Conditions.

Section 9-40-39 - Tax exemption of waterworks and waste disposal facilities.

Section 9-40-40 - Sale and lease-back powers additional--Restrictions.

Section 9-40-41 - Drainage utility fund--Fees.