7-8-18. Tie vote of commissioners.
When the board of county commissioners is equally divided on any question, it shall defer a decision until the next meeting of the board and the matter shall then be decided by a majority of the board.
Source: SL 1874-5, ch 27, §7; PolC 1877, ch 21, §21; CL 1887, §582; RPolC 1903, §820; RC 1919, §5871; SDC 1939, §12.0615.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 08 - County Commissioners
Section 7-8-1 - Number and terms of office of commissioners--Staggered terms.
Section 7-8-2.2 - Candidate to be resident of district at time of signing declaration of candidacy.
Section 7-8-3 - Change in number of commissioners--Petition and submission at election.
Section 7-8-4 - Form of ballot on increase of number of commissioners.
Section 7-8-5 - Form of ballot on decrease in number of commissioners.
Section 7-8-6 - Redistricting and transition after increase in number of commissioners.
Section 7-8-7 - Redistricting and transition after decrease in number of commissioners.
Section 7-8-10 - Decennial revision of commissioner districts.
Section 7-8-12 - Publication and posting of notice of decennial redistricting.
Section 7-8-12.2 - Order affirming good cause exists for redistricting--Authorization for revision.
Section 7-8-12.3 - Revision of county commission districts--Notice.
Section 7-8-14 - Meetings--County commission--Special sessions.
Section 7-8-15 - Chair and vice chair--Election--Vacancy--Duties.
Section 7-8-17 - Recording of votes by county commissioners.
Section 7-8-18 - Tie vote of commissioners.
Section 7-8-19 - Preservation of order by county board--Enforcement of obedience to orders.
Section 7-8-20 - General powers of county commissioners.
Section 7-8-20.1 - Rewards for aid in arrest and conviction of felons.
Section 7-8-20.2 - Determination by commissioners of right to reward--Payment.
Section 7-8-23 - Rights-of-way on highways granted by county commissioners.
Section 7-8-24 - Memorial Day observance.
Section 7-8-25 - Distribution of surplus commodities.
Section 7-8-26 - Hospital and medical insurance contracts for county officers and employees.
Section 7-8-26.1 - Life and health insurance contracts for county officers and employees.
Section 7-8-26.2 - Health self-insurance plan for county officers and employees.
Section 7-8-26.3 - Annual report of self-insurance system--Audit.
Section 7-8-26.5 - Reinsurance arrangement required for self-insurance.
Section 7-8-27 - Appeal to circuit court from county commissioners--Bond for costs.
Section 7-8-28 - State's attorney's appeal from action of county commissioners.
Section 7-8-29 - Time allowed for appeal--Service of notice--Transcript of proceedings.
Section 7-8-30 - Filing of appeal and transcript--Docketing--Hearing and determination.
Section 7-8-31 - Circuit court judgment and order on appeal from county commissioners.
Section 7-8-32 - Appeal as exclusive remedy--Restrictions.
Section 7-8-33 - Declaration and abatement of nuisances by county.
Section 7-8-38 - County revenues--Economic development.
Section 7-8-40 - Conditions of public works program for payment of property taxes--Participation.
Section 7-8-41 - Passport applications--Assistance by county employees.