South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 03 - Division Of Counties
Section 7-3-2 - Voters' approval of division--Name and organization of new county.

7-3-2. Voters' approval of division--Name and organization of new county.
If a majority of the votes cast at the next general election in such county, and also in each portion thereof proposed to be organized into a new county, shall be favorable to a division of such county, the portion in which the county seat thereof is located shall retain the name and organization of such county and the portion or portions in which the county seat is not located shall take the name or names prayed for in the petition for the division of the county, and the Governor shall forthwith proceed to organize the same as a county or counties under such name or names in the manner provided by law for organizing an unorganized county and, until such organization is perfected, the said portion or portions of such county shall for all governmental purposes remain and be a portion of such original county.

Source: SL 1907, ch 100, §2; SL 1915, ch 127; SL 1917, ch 173; RC 1919, §5771; SDC 1939, §12.0402.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 7 - Counties

Chapter 03 - Division Of Counties

Section 7-3-1 - Petition for division of county--Contents and filing--Minimum size of new county.

Section 7-3-2 - Voters' approval of division--Name and organization of new county.

Section 7-3-3 - Revision of commissioner districts after division of county.

Section 7-3-4 - Apportionment of bonded indebtedness after division of county--Bonds and tax levy of new county.

Section 7-3-5 - Apportionment of floating or warrant indebtedness on division of county--Bond issue by new county to cover proportionate share.

Section 7-3-6 - Sale of county bonds based on advertising and award before division.

Section 7-3-7 - Inventory and apportionment of assets and liabilities by auditor-general.

Section 7-3-8 - Auditor-general's report filed with county auditors--Conclusive evidence.

Section 7-3-9 - County action to set aside auditor-general's report--Time for filing--Estimate and appraisement as prima facie evidence.

Section 7-3-10 - Auditor-general's apportionment final if no action brought.

Section 7-3-11 - Warrants issued for settlement of accounts between counties.

Section 7-3-12 - Expenses of auditor-general--Apportionment and payment by counties.

Section 7-3-13 - Transfer of books, records, and files relating exclusively to new county.

Section 7-3-17 - Transcript of records obtained by new county--Evidentiary value.

Section 7-3-18 - Contract for transcription of records for new county--Certification of instruments transcribed.

Section 7-3-20 - Affidavit as to transcription of all records.

Section 7-3-21 - County commissioners' certificate of completion of transcriptions--Recording of instruments before certificate filed.

Section 7-3-22 - County commissioners' discretion in transcription of records.