62-7-35.2. Application of time limits to minor or person with mental illness or developmental disability.
The provisions of §§62-7-35 and 62-7-35.1 do not apply to a person with a mental illness, a person with a developmental disability, or a minor if the person has no guardian or legal representative. The limitations of §§62-7-35 and 62-7-35.1 do apply to the person with a mental illness, person with a developmental disability, or minor from the date of the appointment of a guardian or legal representative for that person, and if no guardian or legal representative has been appointed, to a minor upon obtainment of majority.
Source: SL 1995, ch 299, §2; SL 2008, ch 278, §49.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 62 - Workers' Compensation
Section 62-7-1 - Compulsory medical examination of employee at request of employer.
Section 62-7-3 - Refusing or obstructing examination--Suspension of compensation payments.
Section 62-7-5 - Agreement as to compensation--Approval by department.
Section 62-7-7 - Appointment of conservator or administrator in connection with lump-sum settlement.
Section 62-7-8 - Fees for health services subject to approval--Excessive fees or services.
Section 62-7-8.1 - Ability to pay for health care--Impermissible basis for higher fees--Misdemeanor.
Section 62-7-10 - Notice to employer of injury--Condition precedent to compensation.
Section 62-7-12 - Failure to reach agreement as to compensation--Hearing by department.
Section 62-7-12.1 - Hearing officer to be licensed attorney.
Section 62-7-12.2 - Informal request for disqualification of hearing examiner.
Section 62-7-13 - Hearing by department--Place of holding--Decision, filing and service.
Section 62-7-14 - Appointment of impartial medical examiner--Fee.
Section 62-7-15 - Hearing by department--Fees and mileage of witnesses--Taxation of costs.
Section 62-7-16 - Petition for review of decision of department--Revision or affirmance.
Section 62-7-17 - Appeal from decision of department without petition for review.
Section 62-7-18 - Decision of department not final until determination of petition for review.
Section 62-7-19 - Appeals to circuit court.
Section 62-7-30 - Notice or orders--Method of service.
Section 62-7-31 - Judgment taken on memorandum of agreement or portion of order or decision.
Section 62-7-32 - Modification or revocation of judgment taken on award or memorandum of agreement.
Section 62-7-33 - Review of payment by department.
Section 62-7-34 - Notice given by department--Statutory notice--Writing required--Manner of service.
Section 62-7-35 - Limitation of action on claim for compensation.
Section 62-7-35.1 - Time limitation for claiming additional compensation--Application of limit.
Section 62-7-35.3 - Right to compensation barred under certain circumstances.
Section 62-7-36 - Approval of legal fees--Amount--Lump sum payment.
Section 62-7-37 - Mediation--Promulgation of rules.
Section 62-7-39 - Determining permanent partial or permanent total disability compensation.