62-4-34.7. Administration of fund to continue until all valid claims approved, denied or settled--Claim for injury occurring after July 1, 2001, barred--Disposition of fund balance.
Administration of the subsequent injury fund by the Division of Insurance and reimbursement of complete and valid claims shall continue until approved, denied, or settled. No claim for reimbursement from the subsequent injury fund may be filed based on a subsequent injury that occurs on or after July 1, 2001. Any claim for reimbursement filed as set forth in this section shall be approved or denied by the division pursuant to the requirements of §§62-4-34 to 62-4-36.3, inclusive, in effect prior to July 1, 1999. The division shall continue to make any necessary assessments pursuant to the requirements set forth in §62-4-35 in effect prior to July 1, 1999, until all eligible claims completed as set forth in this section that are approved by the division or determined by the court to be eligible for reimbursement are paid, and until all matters in litigation concerning the subsequent injury fund are resolved. Any claim in matters being litigated concerning the subsequent injury fund is not eligible for interest or costs. Any remaining balance in the fund after all obligations of the fund have been satisfied shall be deposited in the general fund. Priority of payment shall be determined as of the date and time they are determined by the division to be complete and valid. No claim against the subsequent injury fund is vested until it is complete as set forth in this section. Any completed claim regardless of the date of injury or the date of notice of claim is subject to the two-thirds method of reimbursement pursuant to §62-4-34 in effect prior to July 1, 1999.
Source: SL 1999, ch 262, §1; SL 2001, ch 293, §1.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 62 - Workers' Compensation
Chapter 04 - Compensation For Injury Or Death
Section 62-4-1 - Medical and hospital expense.
Section 62-4-1.1 - Employer's duties upon receipt of medical bill.
Section 62-4-1.2 - Fine for noncompliance.
Section 62-4-1.3 - Release of medical records.
Section 62-4-2 - Waiting period for temporary disability benefits.
Section 62-4-3 - Amount of temporary total disability compensation.
Section 62-4-3.1 - Annual computation of average weekly wage in state--Period for which applied.
Section 62-4-5 - Compensation for partial disability.
Section 62-4-5.1 - Compensation during period of rehabilitation--Procedure.
Section 62-4-6 - Additional compensation for specific bodily injuries.
Section 62-4-7 - Compensation for permanent total disability--Annual increase.
Section 62-4-7.1 - Prospective application of benefit increase in § 62-4-7.
Section 62-4-10 - Installment payments of compensation.
Section 62-4-10.1 - Penalty for untimely payment of installments--Other remedies.
Section 62-4-13 - Injury resulting in death--Additional compensation for child under eighteen.
Section 62-4-15 - Injury resulting in death--Payments to dependent collateral heirs.
Section 62-4-16 - Burial and transportation expenses paid when death results from injury.
Section 62-4-17 - Installment payment of death benefits.
Section 62-4-21 - Spouse of deceased employee--Qualification for benefits.
Section 62-4-22 - Transfer of surviving spouse's right to compensation to surviving child.
Section 62-4-24 - Employment for year preceding injury--Determination of average weekly wage.
Section 62-4-26 - Computation of average weekly wage when other methods not feasible.
Section 62-4-27 - Seasonal employment--Determination of average weekly wage.
Section 62-4-29 - Apportionment of compensation for subsequent injury.
Section 62-4-29.1 - "Claimant" defined for subsequent injury fund claims.
Section 62-4-30 - Determination of amount for each installment period.
Section 62-4-31 - Working week defined.
Section 62-4-37 - Injury or death due to willful misconduct of employee not compensable.
Section 62-4-40 - Recovery by employer from third party--Excess held for employee.
Section 62-4-41 - Priority of rights to compensation.
Section 62-4-43 - Selection of medical practitioner or surgeon by employee.
Section 62-4-47 - Written request to stop payments--Fraud--Injury outside of employment.
Section 62-4-48 - Investigation of written request to stop payments.
Section 62-4-49 - Confidentiality of investigative records--Release--Misdemeanor.
Section 62-4-51 - Fraudulent workers' compensation claims as misdemeanor.
Section 62-4-52 - Definition of terms.
Section 62-4-54 - Determining usual and customary line of employment.
Section 62-4-55 - Suitable, substantial, and gainful employment defined.