59-9-5. Actual authority to sell on credit, restrictions.
In addition to the authority of agents in general, a factor has actual authority from his principal unless specially restricted to sell on such credit as is usual anything entrusted to him for sale excepting such things as it is contrary to usage to sell on credit, but having once agreed with the purchaser upon the terms of credit, the factor may not extend it, nor may he pledge, mortgage, or barter property entrusted to him for sale.
Source: CivC 1877, §§1170, 1388; CL 1887, §§3793, 4011; RCivC 1903, §§1489, 1707; RC 1919, §§1290, 1293; SDC 1939, §3.0602 (1).
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Section 59-9-1 - Factor defined.
Section 59-9-2 - Obedience required of factor.
Section 59-9-3 - Liability under guaranty commission.
Section 59-9-4 - Factor cannot relieve himself from liability without principal's consent.
Section 59-9-5 - Actual authority to sell on credit, restrictions.
Section 59-9-6 - Insurance of uninsured property consigned to factor.
Section 59-9-7 - Delegation of authority to partner or servant.