58-4-49. Disclosure of status, existence, or outcome of investigation or examination.
The status, existence, or outcome of any ongoing or completed investigation or examination performed pursuant to this title may be disclosed by the director to any person who has filed a complaint or report to the director pertaining to the specific investigation or examination. The director may disclose the following information to any person identified by this section:
(1)Any remedial actions agreed to by a licensee being investigated or examined;
(2)Any remedial actions ordered by the director as a result of an examination or investigation; or
(3)Any other such information as the parties to the remedial action may agree to release in writing.
The director may also disclose the above information to any policyholder who contacts the director and who is directly affected by any action listed above. Confidential information shared with the director may not be disclosed. However, nothing in this section prevents the director from providing a copy of licensee responses or other materials submitted by a licensee to complaints or inquiries if the response or materials are not specifically marked confidential. Sections 58-4-49 to 58-4-54, inclusive, do not apply to investigations conducted pursuant to chapter 58-4A.
Source: SL 2012, ch 242, §1; SL 2014, ch 234, §1.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 04 - Enforcement Powers And Proceedings
Section 58-4-5 - Enforcement proceedings instituted by director.
Section 58-4-6 - Proceedings instituted by director--Legal representation.
Section 58-4-7 - Cease and desist order to prevent violations of title--Injunction.
Section 58-4-9 - Hearings by director--Purpose.
Section 58-4-15 - Orders and notices of director required to be in writing--Signature.
Section 58-4-16 - Order of director--Effective date--Contents.
Section 58-4-17 - Service of orders and notices of director.
Section 58-4-18 - Prosecution of action for enforcement of director's order.
Section 58-4-25 - Formal rules of pleading or evidence not observed at director's hearing.
Section 58-4-28.1 - Money penalty in lieu of license suspension or other action--Hearing.
Section 58-4-39 - Standards for determining hazardous financial condition.
Section 58-4-40 - Authority of director in determining insurer's financial condition.
Section 58-4-41 - Director's order to hazardous insurer.
Section 58-4-42 - Hearings on director's orders.
Section 58-4-43 - Application of hazardous insurer provisions.
Section 58-4-45 - Confidentiality of certain documents.
Section 58-4-46 - Liability for release of information.
Section 58-4-48 - Minimum levels of risk-based capital required--Administrative rules.
Section 58-4-49 - Disclosure of status, existence, or outcome of investigation or examination.
Section 58-4-50 - Definitions.
Section 58-4-51 - Confidentiality of list of premium taxpayers--Violation as misdemeanor.
Section 58-4-53 - Disclosure of premium tax return and information to taxpayer.