South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 26 - Valuation Of Assets, Liabilities And Reserves
Section 58-26-1 - Assets allowed in determination of financial condition.

58-26-1. Assets allowed in determination of financial condition.
In any determination of the financial condition of an insurer, there shall be allowed as assets only such assets as are owned by the insurer and which consist of:
(1)Cash in the possession of the insurer, or in transit under its control, and including the true balance of any deposit in a solvent bank or trust company;
(2)Investments, securities, properties, and loans acquired or held in accordance with this title and in connection therewith the following items:
(a)Interest due or accrued on any bond or evidence of indebtedness which is not in default and which is not valued on a basis including accrued interest;
(b)Declared and unpaid dividends on shares of stock, unless such amount has otherwise been allowed as an asset;
(c)Interest due or accrued upon a collateral loan in an amount not to exceed one year's interest thereon;
(d)Interest due or accrued on deposits in solvent banks and trust companies, and interest due or accrued on other assets, if such interest is in the judgment of the director a collectible asset;
(e)Interest due or accrued on a mortgage loan, in an amount not exceeding in any event the amount, if any, of the excess of the value of the property less delinquent taxes thereon over the unpaid principal; but in no event may interest accrued for a period in excess of eighteen months be allowed as an asset;
(f)Rent due or accrued on real property if such rent is not in arrears for more than three months, and rent more than three months in arrears if the payment of such rent be adequately secured by property held in the name of the tenant and conveyed to the insurer as collateral;
(g)The unaccrued portion of taxes paid prior to the due date on real property;
(3)Premium notes, policy loans, and other policy assets and liens on policies and certificates of life insurance and annuity contracts and accrued interest thereon, in an amount not exceeding the legal reserve and other policy liabilities carried on each individual policy;
(4)The net amount of uncollected and deferred premiums and annuity considerations in the case of a life insurer;
(5)Premiums in the course of collection, other than for life insurance, not more than three months past due, less commissions payable thereon. The foregoing limitation does not apply to premiums payable directly or indirectly by the United States government or by any of its instrumentalities;
(6)Installment premiums other than life insurance premiums to the extent of the unearned premium reserve carried on the policy to which premiums apply;
(7)Notes and like written obligations not past due, taken for premiums other than life insurance premiums, on policies permitted to be issued on such basis, to the extent of the unearned premium reserves carried thereon;
(8)The full amount of reinsurance recoverable by a ceding insurer from a solvent reinsurer and which reinsurance is authorized under this title;
(9)Amounts receivable by an assuming insurer representing funds withheld by a solvent ceding insurer under a reinsurance treaty;
(10)Deposits or equities recoverable from underwriting associations, syndicates, and reinsurance funds, or from any suspended banking institution, to the extent deemed by the director available for the payment of losses and claims and at values to be determined by the director;

(11)Data and word processing machines used in the insurer's business. However, the original cost of the system shall be at least one thousand dollars but may not be more than three percent of the admitted assets of the insurer. Such cost shall be amortized over a period not to exceed five years;
(12)All assets, whether or not consistent with the provisions of this section, as may be allowed pursuant to the annual statement form approved by the director for the kinds of insurance to be reported upon therein;
(13)Goodwill arising from acquisitions and mergers occurring after January 1, 2001;
(14)Other assets, not inconsistent with the provisions of this section, deemed by the director to be available for the payment of losses and claims at values to be determined by the director.

Source: SL 1966, ch 111, ch 5, §1; SL 1978, ch 364; SL 1983, ch 376, §1; SL 2001, ch 283, §1; SL 2004, ch 308, §1.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 58 - Insurance

Chapter 26 - Valuation Of Assets, Liabilities And Reserves

Section 58-26-1 - Assets allowed in determination of financial condition.

Section 58-26-2 - Valuation of bonds or other evidences of debt--Method of calculation.

Section 58-26-3 - Valuation of securities other than evidences of debt.

Section 58-26-4 - Preferred or guaranteed stocks--Method of computing value approved by director.

Section 58-26-5 - Real property acquired pursuant to mortgage loan or contract for sale--Restriction as to valuation.

Section 58-26-6 - Purchase money mortgage on real property--Restriction as to valuation.

Section 58-26-7 - Appraisal for valuation of other real property.

Section 58-26-8 - Personal property acquired pursuant to chattel mortgage--Restriction as to valuation.

Section 58-26-9 - Valuation not to be inconsistent with approved method.

Section 58-26-10 - Assets not allowed in determining financial condition.

Section 58-26-10.1 - Radio and television facilities allowable as assets.

Section 58-26-11 - Capital stock and liabilities chargeable against assets.

Section 58-26-12 - Assets allowed as deductions from corresponding liabilities.

Section 58-26-13.1 - Actuarial opinion of property, casualty, and health insurers.

Section 58-26-13.2 - Time limit for compliance with actuary opinion requirements.

Section 58-26-30 - Reserve requirements for health insurance.

Section 58-26-31 - Reserve for outstanding losses under liability insurance and workers' compensation.

Section 58-26-32 - Reserve for workers' compensation claims under policies written in three years preceding.

Section 58-26-33 - Reserve for workers' compensation claims under policies written more than three years preceding.

Section 58-26-34 - Reserve for liability policies written during three years preceding.

Section 58-26-35 - Maintaining a reserve for outstanding losses under credit insurance policies.

Section 58-26-36 - Unearned premium reserve--Insurers required to maintain.

Section 58-26-37 - Unearned premium reserve--Computation--Use of table.

Section 58-26-38 - Unearned premium reserve--Computation on a prorata basis.

Section 58-26-39 - Change in method of computation of unearned premium reserve--Approval of director required.

Section 58-26-40 - Unearned premium reserve provisions inapplicable to title insurance.

Section 58-26-41 - Unearned premium reserve on marine and transportation insurance.

Section 58-26-43 - Increase of inadequate reserves.

Section 58-26-44 - Application of chapter.

Section 58-26-44.1 - Definition of terms in §§ 58-26-45 to 58-26-105.

Section 58-26-45 - Valuation of reserve liabilities for policies and contracts issued before operative date of valuation manual--Calculating reserves.

Section 58-26-45.1 - Adoption of NAIC valuation manual of instruction--Valuation of reserve liabilities for contracts issued after operative date of valuation manual.

Section 58-26-46 - Annual opinion of qualified actuary required--Promulgation of rules.

Section 58-26-47 - Opinion required as to adequacy of reserves to provide for company's obligations.

Section 58-26-48 - Promulgation of rules for establishing higher reserves.

Section 58-26-49 - Form and substance of actuary's opinion.

Section 58-26-50 - Provisions governing submission of actuary's opinion.

Section 58-26-51 - Opinion submitted by foreign or alien company.

Section 58-26-52 - Qualified actuary defined.

Section 58-26-53 - Liability of qualified actuary.

Section 58-26-54 - Promulgation of rules defining disciplinary action against company or qualified actuary.

Section 58-26-55 - Confidentiality of material supporting opinion of qualified actuary.

Section 58-26-55.1 - Opinion of actuary on reserves and related actuarial items to be in accordance with valuation manual.

Section 58-26-56 - Minimum standard for valuation of policies and contracts.

Section 58-26-57 - Mortality tables used for ordinary life insurance policies.

Section 58-26-58 - Mortality tables used for industrial life insurance policies.

Section 58-26-59 - Mortality tables used for individual annuity and pure endowment contracts.

Section 58-26-60 - Mortality tables used for group annuity and pure endowment contracts.

Section 58-26-61 - Disability tables used for total and permanent disability.

Section 58-26-62 - Tables used for accidental death benefits.

Section 58-26-63 - Tables to be approved by director.

Section 58-26-64 - Minimum standard of valuation for individual annuity and pure endowment contracts and group annuity and pure endowment contracts on or after July 1, 1995.

Section 58-26-65 - Tables used for individual annuity and pure endowment contracts issued prior to July 1, 1978--Interest.

Section 58-26-66 - Tables used for individual single premium immediate annuity contracts issued on or after July 1, 1978--Interest.

Section 58-26-67 - Tables used for individual annuity and pure endowment contracts issued on or after July 1, 1978--Interest.

Section 58-26-68 - Tables used for annuities and pure endowments purchased under group contracts prior to July 1, 1978--Interest.

Section 58-26-69 - Tables used for annuities and pure endowments purchased under group contracts after July 1, 1978--Interest.

Section 58-26-70 - Written notice of election to comply with provisions of §§ 58-26-64 to 58-26-69, inclusive--Operative date.

Section 58-26-71 - Calendar year statutory valuation interest rates defined.

Section 58-26-72 - Weighting factors.

Section 58-26-73 - Reference interest rate defined.

Section 58-26-74 - Alternative method for determination of reference interest rate.

Section 58-26-75 - Valuation of reserves--Policies providing for uniform amount of insurance and requiring payment of uniform premiums--Policies providing varying amounts of insurance or varying premiums--Certain group annuity and pure endowment cont...

Section 58-26-76 - Valuation of reserves for certain annuity or pure endowment contracts.

Section 58-26-77 - Minimum aggregate reserves for life insurance policies.

Section 58-26-78 - Standards for calculating reserves for policies and contracts issued prior to July 1, 1995.

Section 58-26-79 - Standards for calculating reserves for policies, contracts or benefits issued on or after July 1, 1995.

Section 58-26-80 - Company's greater standard of valuation may be lowered with director approval.

Section 58-26-81 - Determining minimum reserve when gross premium charged is less than the valuation net premium.

Section 58-26-82 - Application of §§ 58-26-75 and 58-26-81 to certain life insurance policies issued on or after January 1, 1986.

Section 58-26-83 - Requirements for reserves for life insurance providing for future premium determination or for reserves undeterminable under methods in § 58-26-75, 58-26-76, 58-26-81, or 58-26-82.

Section 58-26-84 - Promulgation of rules for minimum standards applicable to health plans issued on or after July 1, 1995 and before operative date of valuation manual.

Section 58-26-86 - Actuarial opinion summary to be filed with property, casualty, and health insurers' annual statement.

Section 58-26-87 - Actuarial report and workpapers to support actuarial opinion.

Section 58-26-88 - Preparation of supporting actuarial report or workpapers upon insurer's failure to provide acceptable supporting documents.

Section 58-26-89 - Statement of actuarial opinion to be filed with annual statement--Public document.

Section 58-26-90 - Confidentiality of actuarial report, workpapers, or actuarial opinion summary provided in support of opinion.

Section 58-26-91 - Minimum standard of valuation for policies issued on or after operative date of valuation manual.

Section 58-26-92 - Prerequisites for adoption of NAIC valuation manual of instruction.

Section 58-26-93 - Adoption of change to valuation manual.

Section 58-26-94 - Specifications required for adoption of valuation manual.

Section 58-26-95 - Exceptions to valuation manual requirements.

Section 58-26-96 - Qualified actuary engaged by director or by official of another state.

Section 58-26-97 - Required change in assumption or method and adjustment of reserves.

Section 58-26-98 - Reserves to be established using principle-based valuation--Conditions.

Section 58-26-99 - Procedures, controls and report regarding principle-based valuation.

Section 58-26-100 - Prescribed formulaic reserve component.

Section 58-26-101 - Data to be submitted as prescribed in valuation manual.

Section 58-26-102 - Confidential information defined.

Section 58-26-103 - Confidential information privileged--Use and sharing.

Section 58-26-104 - Exceptions to confidentiality of information.

Section 58-26-105 - Exemption of certain forms or product lines of domestic insurer.