58-17K-2. Cost-sharing information described--Required disclosure to enrollees.
At the request of an enrollee, the health insurer shall provide:
(1)An estimate, which is accurate at the time of the request, of the enrollee's cost-sharing liability for a requested covered item or service furnished by a provider reflecting any cost-sharing reductions the enrollee would receive that is calculated based on:
(a)Accumulated amounts;
(b)In-network negotiated rate, reflected as a dollar amount, or underlying fee schedule rate, reflected as a dollar amount, to the extent it is different from the negotiated rate; and
(c)Out-of-network allowed amount or any other rate that provides a more accurate estimate of an amount the health insurer will pay for the requested covered item or service, reflected as a dollar amount. In circumstances in which a health insurer reimburses an out-of-network provider a percentage of the billed charge for a covered item or service, the out-of-network allowed amount will be that percentage;
(2)Information for an item or service subject to a bundled payment arrangement and a list of the items and services included in the bundled payment arrangement for which cost-sharing information is being disclosed;
(3)If applicable, notification that coverage of a specific item or service is subject to a prerequisite; and
(4)Further information and consumer notices required for compliance with federal standards as provided under rules promulgated pursuant to chapter 1-26 by the director.
Source: SL 2021, ch 213, ยง 2.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 17K - Health Care Cost Transparency
Section 58-17K-1 - Definitions.
Section 58-17K-2 - Cost-sharing information described--Required disclosure to enrollees.
Section 58-17K-3 - Cost-sharing information disclosed--Required internet method and format.
Section 58-17K-5 - Prescription drug file--Required public disclosure--Method, format, and updates.
Section 58-17K-7 - Acting in good faith--Error or omission--Reliance on other entity.
Section 58-17K-8 - Compliance with applicable laws required.
Section 58-17K-9 - Applicability to certain plans.