58-17-97. Provisions covering preexisting conditions.
Any accident and sickness policy or certificate subject to the provisions of this chapter, other than credit health insurance as defined in subdivision 58-19-2(1) and a health benefit plan as defined in §58-17-66, shall comply with the following provisions:
(1)No policy or certificate may deny, exclude, or limit benefits for a covered individual for claims incurred more than twelve months following the effective date of the person's coverage due to a preexisting condition;
(2)No policy or certificate may define a preexisting condition more restrictively than:
(a)A condition that would have caused an ordinarily prudent person to seek medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment during the twelve months immediately preceding the effective date of coverage;
(b)A condition for which medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment was recommended or received during the twelve months immediately preceding the effective date of coverage; or
(c)A pregnancy existing on the effective date of coverage.
Source: SL 1997, ch 288, §2; SL 2001, ch 275, §4; SL 2013, ch 248, §1.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 17 - Health Insurance Policies
Section 58-17-1 - Requirements for all health insurance policies delivered in state.
Section 58-17-1.1 - Grandfathered plans required to cover low-dose mammography--Extent of coverage.
Section 58-17-1.3 - Diabetes coverage not required of certain plans and policies.
Section 58-17-1.4 - Policies required to cover occult breast cancer screening.
Section 58-17-2 - Persons covered by policy.
Section 58-17-2.1 - Health insurance on a franchise plan.
Section 58-17-2.2 - Conversion privileges of insured's spouse upon divorce.
Section 58-17-2.3 - Dependent coverage termination--Age--Full-time students.
Section 58-17-3 - Time of commencement and termination to be set out in policy.
Section 58-17-4 - Consideration for policy to be stated.
Section 58-17-4.1 - Filing and approval of individual policy premium rates.
Section 58-17-5 - Identification of forms, riders and endorsements--Form number, location.
Section 58-17-6 - Style and arrangement of policy provisions--Printing, size of type.
Section 58-17-8 - Exceptions and reductions of coverage to be clearly set out.
Section 58-17-12 - Required provisions--Captions--Substitutes, approval by director.
Section 58-17-15 - Time limit on certain defenses--Application of section.
Section 58-17-17 - Grace period on premiums required in policy.
Section 58-17-18 - Renewal of policy--Restriction on company's right to refuse.
Section 58-17-19 - Reinstatement when premium not paid within grace period.
Section 58-17-21 - Notice of claim--Provision required in policy.
Section 58-17-22 - Notice of claim--Loss of time benefit--Optional provision, insertion by insurer.
Section 58-17-23 - Claim forms--Furnishing by insurer.
Section 58-17-24 - Proofs of loss--Provision required in policy.
Section 58-17-25 - Time of payment of claims--Provision required in policy.
Section 58-17-27 - Payment of claims--Optional provisions, insertion by insurer.
Section 58-17-29 - Action to recover under policy--Time for beginning.
Section 58-17-30.3 - Premature birth and congenital defects covered--Applicability.
Section 58-17-30.4 - Notice of birth or adoption required for continued coverage.
Section 58-17-30.5 - Coverage for inpatient alcoholism treatment required.
Section 58-17-30.6 - Alcoholism benefits provided--Days of care.
Section 58-17-30.7 - Policies excluded from alcoholism coverage requirements.
Section 58-17-30.9 - Notice that dependent is no longer eligible for coverage--Premium adjustment.
Section 58-17-31 - Optional policy provisions.
Section 58-17-32 - Occupational change--Policy provision for adjustment of premium or benefits.
Section 58-17-33 - Misstatement of age--Policy provision for adjustment of benefits.
Section 58-17-34 - Earnings of insured--Policy provision for adjustment of benefits.
Section 58-17-36 - Option of insurer to define "valid loss of time coverage".
Section 58-17-37 - Unpaid premiums--Deduction from benefits.
Section 58-17-38 - Conformity with state statutes of insured.
Section 58-17-39 - Illegal occupation of insured.
Section 58-17-40 - Renewal of policy at option of insurer.
Section 58-17-41 - Order of policy provisions.
Section 58-17-42 - Age limit in policy--Effect of acceptance of premiums or misstatement of age.
Section 58-17-43 - Third parties taking policy covering insured.
Section 58-17-44 - Foreign or alien insurer--Policy provision required by home state.
Section 58-17-46 - Policy provisions not subject to chapter--Conforming to statute required.
Section 58-17-47 - Nonconforming and conflicting provisions construed in conformity with statute.
Section 58-17-49 - Health insurance provisions inapplicable to group or blanket policy.
Section 58-17-51 - Health insurance provisions inapplicable to reinsurance.
Section 58-17-52 - Prior contracts or policies excepted.
Section 58-17-53 - Optometric services--Reimbursement, exceptions.
Section 58-17-55 - Reimbursement provisions applicable to licensed hospitals.
Section 58-17-57 - "Abuse of health insurance" defined--Violation as misdemeanor.
Section 58-17-58 - Waiver of required deductible or co-payment for charitable purposes permitted.
Section 58-17-59 - When waiver presumed.
Section 58-17-60 - Certain payments exempt.
Section 58-17-61 - Assignment of health insurance proceeds to certain hospitals authorized.
Section 58-17-62 - Coverage for phenylketonuria.
Section 58-17-63 - "Health benefit plan" defined.
Section 58-17-64 - Minimum loss ratio for individual health benefit plans.
Section 58-17-66 - Definitions for 58-17-66 through 58-17-87.
Section 58-17-67 - "Professional association" defined.
Section 58-17-68 - "Professional association plan" defined.
Section 58-17-69 - "Creditable coverage" defined.
Section 58-17-70 - Application of 58-17-66 to 58-17-87, inclusive.
Section 58-17-71 - Separate classes of individual business--Reasons--Number.
Section 58-17-72 - Transitional period when additional class of business acquired.
Section 58-17-74 - Provisions for premium rates for individual health benefit plans.
Section 58-17-74.1 - Premium rate limitations.
Section 58-17-75 - Promulgation of rules for rates charged for individual health benefit plans.
Section 58-17-76 - Transfer into or out of class of business.
Section 58-17-77 - Temporary suspension of premium rates for individual health insurance--Reasons.
Section 58-17-78 - Required disclosure when offering individual health benefit plan.
Section 58-17-79 - Documentation of rating methods and practices.
Section 58-17-82 - Renewal of individual health benefit plans--Exceptions.
Section 58-17-83 - Election not to renew individual health benefit plan--Future business restricted.
Section 58-17-87 - Director to promulgate rules for individual health insurance--Scope of rules.
Section 58-17-88 - Minimum inpatient care coverage following delivery.
Section 58-17-90 - Notice to policyholders--Disclosures.
Section 58-17-97 - Provisions covering preexisting conditions.
Section 58-17-99 - Application of § 58-17-98--Exemptions.
Section 58-17-100 - Definitions.
Section 58-17-101 - Insurer may not exclude certain off-label uses of prescription drugs.
Section 58-17-102 - Exceptions.
Section 58-17-103 - Provisions limited to cancer or life threatening diseases.
Section 58-17-104 - Deductibles, copayments, and managed care review not affected.
Section 58-17-105 - Drugs used in research trials not covered.
Section 58-17-106 - No reduction or limitation of coverage otherwise required by law.
Section 58-17-107 - Health insurance policies to provide coverage for prostate cancer screening.
Section 58-17-108 - "Disability income insurance" defined.
Section 58-17-109 - Exclusion or reduction of benefits.
Section 58-17-110 - Commencement of loss.
Section 58-17-111 - Minimum standards--Exceptions.
Section 58-17-112 - Promulgation of rules regarding disability income policies--Content.
Section 58-17-145.1 - Deadline for submission of health claim under risk pool.
Section 58-17-146 - Dental insurers prohibited from setting fees for noncovered service.
Section 58-17-146.1 - Certain contract terms voidable by dentist.
Section 58-17-151 - Applications to be credentialed.
Section 58-17-152 - Application of §§ 58-17-149 to 58-17-151.
Section 58-17-153 - Coverage for treatment of hearing impairment for persons under age nineteen.
Section 58-17-154 - Definitions for §§ 58-17-155 to 58-17-162.
Section 58-17-155 - Exceptions to application of §§ 58-17-154 to 58-17-162.
Section 58-17-159 - Qualifications of person performing or supervising applied behavior analysis.
Section 58-17-160 - Review of treatment.
Section 58-17-162 - Effective date of §§ 58-17-154 to 58-17-161.
Section 58-17-163 - Dental care insurers to honor assignment of benefits.
Section 58-17-164 - Revocation of assignment of dental insurance benefits.
Section 58-17-165 - Reimbursement of payment from insured following receipt of payment from insurer.
Section 58-17-166 - Scope of benefits not affected--Medical benefits not included .
Section 58-17-167 - Definitions pertaining to telehealth coverage.
Section 58-17-168 - Coverage for health care services provided through telehealth.
Section 58-17-170 - Application of telehealth coverage requirements.
Section 58-17-171 - Payment for dental services--Credit card requirement prohibited.