South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 12 - Insurance Claims And Benefits
Section 58-12-16 - Motor vehicle insurer must provide sufficient compensation to restore vehicle to prior condition--Adjustment for paintless dent repair permitted--Conditions.

58-12-16. Motor vehicle insurer must provide sufficient compensation to restore vehicle to prior condition--Adjustment for paintless dent repair permitted--Conditions.
Any insurer providing commercial or personal motor vehicle insurance in this state responsible for repairing a damaged vehicle for which it is liable shall provide sufficient compensation to the insured to restore the vehicle to substantially the same physical condition as prior to the damage, regardless of whether the insured actually chooses to repair the vehicle. The insurer may adjust claims based in whole or in part upon the paintless dent repair method if:
(1)The damage is such that the paintless dent repair method is likely to place the damaged area or a portion thereof in substantially the same condition as prior to the damage;
(2)A paintless dent repair shop holding a South Dakota sales tax license is willing to perform the work as estimated within a reasonable time frame in the local market area of the insured; and
(3)The written estimate provided to the insured prominently discloses the following:
(a)That the repair estimate is based in whole or in part upon the paintless dent repair method. Each item of damage adjusted using that method shall be identified;
(b)That paintless dent repair may not be the appropriate repair method for all types of damage;
(c)That, if the insurer is liable for the damage listed on the estimate, the insurer shall provide sufficient compensation to restore the vehicle to substantially the same physical condition; and
(d)That for any damage which paintless dent repair is appropriate, the insured may choose not to repair the vehicle or to have the vehicle repaired using a different method of repair. If the insured chooses either of these options, the insurer is liable only for the cost of the paintless dent repair method.
However, if the insurer pays the claim based upon the paintless dent repair method and paintless dent repair was attempted but was unsuccessful, the insurer is liable for any repairs necessary to the area repaired by paintless dent repair, using the conventional method of repair, to restore the vehicle to substantially the same physical condition as prior to the damage.

Source: SL 2000, ch 239, §2.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 58 - Insurance

Chapter 12 - Insurance Claims And Benefits

Section 58-12-1 - Forms for proof of loss--Furnishing by insurer on request.

Section 58-12-2 - Acts of insurer not constituting waiver of policy provision or defense.

Section 58-12-3 - Attorney fees--Recovery in action against self-insured employer or insurer failing to pay loss--Other remedies not barred.

Section 58-12-3.1 - Separate hearing on attorney fees--Adding to judgment--Time allowed to request hearing.

Section 58-12-4 - Life and health insurance--Exemption of benefits and proceeds from execution.

Section 58-12-5 - "Annuity contract" defined.

Section 58-12-6 - Exemption of annuity contract benefits, rights, privileges, and options from execution.

Section 58-12-7 - Premiums paid on annuity with intent to defraud creditors not exempt from execution.

Section 58-12-8 - Maximum amount of annuity exemption--Excess subject to levy.

Section 58-12-9 - Application of excess annuities to judgment--Factors considered.

Section 58-12-10 - Benefits, rights, privileges, or options nontransferable under annuity contract--Not subject to commutation--Exemption from execution.

Section 58-12-11 - Payments under life or health insurance policy or annuity contract discharge insurer.

Section 58-12-12 - Use of uniform health insurance claim forms.

Section 58-12-13 - Use of claim forms required by federal law excepted.

Section 58-12-14 - Promulgation of rules for uniform health insurance claim forms.

Section 58-12-15 - "Paintless dent repair" defined.

Section 58-12-16 - Motor vehicle insurer must provide sufficient compensation to restore vehicle to prior condition--Adjustment for paintless dent repair permitted--Conditions.

Section 58-12-17 - Compensation when paintless dent repair method inappropriate--Requiring unreasonable travel prohibited--Repair shop as payee only if insured agrees.

Section 58-12-18 - Compliance with § 58-12-16.

Section 58-12-19 - Clean claim defined.

Section 58-12-20 - Time limits for processing clean claims--Time limit for additional information required.

Section 58-12-21 - Applicability of §§ 58-12-19 to 58-12-21--Certain policies exempt--No private right of action.

Section 58-12-22 - Information from insurer's database to Department of Social Services--Data match against recipients--Disclosure--Liability.

Section 58-12-23 - Application for or acceptance of medical assistance paid by department operates as release of information to facilitate coordination of benefits--Request.

Section 58-12-24 - Refusal of reimbursement due to manner, form, or date of claim prohibited--Time for submission of claim.

Section 58-12-25 - Reimbursement to department for cost of services.

Section 58-12-26 - Insurer defined.

Section 58-12-27 - Department defined.

Section 58-12-28 - Provisions of chapter 1-27 not applicable to insurer records.

Section 58-12-30 - Annual reports of commercial property casualty insurance claims--Exception--Promulgation of rules.

Section 58-12-31 - Definitions regarding standards for claims processing.

Section 58-12-32 - Application of standards for claims investigation and disposition.

Section 58-12-33 - Flagrant or frequent violations--Notice and opportunity to correct inadvertent violations.

Section 58-12-34 - Acts constituting unfair claims practices.

Section 58-12-35 - Notice of hearing.

Section 58-12-36 - Cease and desist order--Monetary penalty--Suspension or revocation of license.

Section 58-12-37 - Promulgation of rules regarding definitions and records.