58-11A-3. Reading ease--Printing--Style--Index or table of contents.
In addition to any other requirements of law, no policy forms, except as stated in §58-11A-4, may be delivered or issued for delivery in this state on or after the dates such forms must be approved under this chapter, unless:
(1)The text achieves a minimum score of forty on the Flesch Reading Ease Test or an equivalent score on any other comparable test;
(2)It is printed, except for specification pages, schedules, and tables, in not less than ten point type, one point leaded;
(3)The style, arrangement, and overall appearance of the policy give no undue prominence to any portion of the text of this policy or to any endorsements or riders; and
(4)It contains a table of contents or an index of the principal sections of the policy if the policy has more than three thousand words printed on three or fewer pages of text or if the policy has more than three pages, regardless of the number of words.
Source: SL 1981, ch 360, §3.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 11A - Life And Health Policy Language Simplification
Section 58-11A-1 - Definitions.
Section 58-11A-2 - Policies subject to chapter.
Section 58-11A-3 - Reading ease--Printing--Style--Index or table of contents.
Section 58-11A-4 - Alternate reading ease tests.
Section 58-11A-6 - Variation of reading ease requirement--Grounds.
Section 58-11A-7 - Other laws governing policy contents.
Section 58-11A-8 - Dates after which policies must comply with this chapter--Extension.
Section 58-11A-9 - Law permitting issuance of policies after form on file for specified period.