58-1-3.3. Health care sharing ministries exempt from title.
A health care sharing ministry may not be considered to be engaging in the business of insurance under Title 58.
For purposes of this section, a health care sharing ministry is a faith-based, nonprofit organization that is tax exempt under the Internal Revenue Code and:
(1)Limits its participants to those who are of a similar faith;
(2)Acts as a facilitator among participants who have financial or medical needs and matches those participants with other participants with the present ability to assist those with financial or medical needs in accordance with criteria established by the health care sharing ministry;
(3)Provides for the financial or medical needs of a participant through contributions from one participant to another;
(4)Provides amounts that participants may contribute with no assumption of risk or promise to pay among the participants and no assumption of risk or promise to pay by the health care sharing ministry to the participants;
(5)Provides a written monthly statement to all participants that lists the total dollar amount of qualified needs submitted to the health care sharing ministry, as well as the amount actually published or assigned to participants for their contribution; and
(6)Provides a written disclaimer on or accompanying all applications and guideline materials distributed by or on behalf of the organization that reads, in substance:
"Notice: The organization facilitating the sharing of medical expenses is not an insurance company, and neither its guidelines nor plan of operation is an insurance policy. Whether anyone chooses to assist you with your medical bills will be totally voluntary because no other participant will be compelled by law to contribute toward your medical bills. As such, participation in the organization or a subscription to any of its documents should never be considered to be insurance. Regardless of whether you receive any payments for medical expenses or whether this organization continues to operate, you are always personally responsible for the payment of your own medical bills."
Source: SL 2012, ch 240, §§1, 2.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 01 - Definitions And General Provisions
Section 58-1-1 - Citation of title.
Section 58-1-2 - Definition of terms.
Section 58-1-3 - Exemption from title of certain entities and transactions.
Section 58-1-3.1 - Application to business including medical, surgical, or hospital care benefits.
Section 58-1-3.2 - Direct response and mass marketing as insurance transaction.
Section 58-1-3.3 - Health care sharing ministries exempt from title.
Section 58-1-3.4 - Health benefit plan--Agricultural organization--Exemption.
Section 58-1-4 - Particular provisions prevail.
Section 58-1-5 - Compliance required.
Section 58-1-7 - Local licenses and taxes prohibited.
Section 58-1-10 - Existing licenses--Renewal, suspension, revocation or termination.
Section 58-1-11 - General saving clause.
Section 58-1-13 - Severability of provisions.
Section 58-1-14.1 - Notice of refusal to renew--Thirty-day delivery requirement--Exception.
Section 58-1-16.1 - Applicability of § 58-1-16.
Section 58-1-17 - Disclosure statement for issuance of charitable gift annuity.
Section 58-1-20 - Prescription drug information card to be issued upon enrollment--Reissuance.
Section 58-1-21 - "Health benefit plan" defined for purposes of §§58-1-19 to 58-1-23.
Section 58-1-22 - Applicability of §§58-1-19 to 58-1-23.
Section 58-1-23 - Director to enforce provisions--Promulgation of rules.
Section 58-1-24 - Definitions related to genetic testing.
Section 58-1-25 - Use of genetic tests in offer, sale, or renewal of insurance prohibited.
Section 58-1-26 - Retention of records.
Section 58-1-27 - Definitions regarding transmission of electronic documents.
Section 58-1-28 - Transmission and storage of electronic documents permitted.
Section 58-1-29 - Delivery by electronic transmission equivalent to other delivery methods.
Section 58-1-30 - Conditions for transmission of electronic documents.
Section 58-1-31 - Content and timing requirements unaffected.
Section 58-1-32 - Verification or acknowledgment of receipt.
Section 58-1-33 - Effect of failure to obtain electronic consent or confirmation.
Section 58-1-34 - Withdrawal of consent.
Section 58-1-35 - Documents delivered electronically before July 1, 2014.
Section 58-1-36 - Notice to parties consenting to electronic transmission before July 1, 2014.
Section 58-1-37 - Oral communications and recordings--Electronic signatures.
Section 58-1-39 - Products and documents to which §§58-1-27 to 58-1-39 apply.
Section 58-1-40 - English version of policy controls--Transactions in another language permitted.
Section 58-1-41 - Policies and advertising in language other than English permitted.
Section 58-1-43 - Policy statement that dispute resolved by English version.