South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 05 - Trust Business Of Banks
Section 51A-5-4 - Deposit required to do trust business--Amount and form of deposit--Disposition of income.

51A-5-4. Deposit required to do trust business--Amount and form of deposit--Disposition of income.
Any bank empowered by its articles of incorporation to do trust business, shall, before transacting any such business, deposit and keep on deposit with the division evidences of indebtedness acceptable to the director which are payable to bearer or recorded in the name of the division and which constitute readily marketable legal investments for funds held by a bank as fiduciary in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars. Such deposit shall be for the security of the trust creditors of such bank or trust company, and shall be in bonds or notes and mortgages on real property within this state worth double the amount secured thereby, or insured by the federal housing administration, or bonds of the United States, or any state of the United States that has not defaulted on its principal or interest within ten years, or any organized county or township or first or second class municipality or school district in this state or some other state, and upon which there has been no default in payment of interest or principal. Income from such securities shall belong to and be paid the bank or trust company as long as it continues to conduct its business in the ordinary course and so long as authorized by the director.

Source: SDC 1939, §6.0502; SDCL §51-7-2; SL 1969, ch 11, §5.3; SL 1970, ch 265, §36; SL 1988, ch 377, §112; SDCL §51-19-3; SL 1992, ch 60, §2; SL 1994, ch 364, §2; SL 2010, ch 232, §23.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 51A - Banks and Banking

Chapter 05 - Trust Business Of Banks

Section 51A-5-1 - Use of "trust" in name restricted--Exercise of trust powers restricted--Misdemeanor.

Section 51A-5-1.1 - Powers of banks engaging in trust business.

Section 51A-5-1.2 - "Trust business" defined.

Section 51A-5-2 - Bank as trustee or custodian for retirement benefit plans.

Section 51A-5-3 - Fiduciary authority of bank authorized by charter to exercise trust powers.

Section 51A-5-4 - Deposit required to do trust business--Amount and form of deposit--Disposition of income.

Section 51A-5-5 - Deposit available for satisfaction of claims upon liquidation, abandonment of trust powers, or resignation from fiduciary positions.

Section 51A-5-6 - National banks' authority to engage in trust business--Examination of trust business--Acceptance of federal examination.

Section 51A-5-7 - Foreign bank or trust company to comply with requirements to act as fiduciary in state--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 51A-5-8 - Reciprocal privileges extended to foreign bank or trust company acting as fiduciary.

Section 51A-5-9 - Filing with Office of the Secretary of State by foreign bank or trust company acting as fiduciary--Designation as agent to receive process--Service of process.

Section 51A-5-10 - Establishment of place of business not permitted or prohibited by filing requirements.

Section 51A-5-11 - Investment powers of trust company.

Section 51A-5-12 - Voting of bank shares by cotrustee.

Section 51A-5-13 - Segregation of assets held by bank as fiduciary.

Section 51A-5-14 - Deposit of federally guaranteed securities with federal reserve bank.

Section 51A-5-15 - Records of depositor to show ownership of securities--Transfers by book entries.

Section 51A-5-16 - Custodian to certify deposited securities to fiduciary--Duty of fiduciary.

Section 51A-5-17 - Application of provisions to fiduciaries and custodians whenever appointed.

Section 51A-5-19 - Oath or bond not required of bank to qualify as fiduciary.

Section 51A-5-20 - Nominees used by bank acting as fiduciary or cofiduciary.

Section 51A-5-21 - Deposit in clearing corporation of securities held as fiduciary or custodian.

Section 51A-5-22 - Ownership of stock in clearing corporation not required for deposit of securities by fiduciary or custodian.

Section 51A-5-23 - Holding in bulk of securities deposited in clearing corporation--Merger of certificates.

Section 51A-5-24 - Records of securities deposited in clearing corporation--Transfer by book entry--Certification to interested party of securities held.

Section 51A-5-25 - Approval or ratification of acceptance or relinquishment of fiduciary accounts by board of directors or committee.

Section 51A-5-26 - Supervision of investment of fiduciary funds by committee designated by board of directors.

Section 51A-5-27 - Reports of committees designated to supervise fiduciary accounts.