South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 17 - Money Transmission
Section 51A-17-18 - Denial of application--Request for hearing.

51A-17-18. Denial of application--Request for hearing.
Any applicant aggrieved by a denial issued by the director under this chapter may, at any time within thirty days from the date of written notice of the denial, request a hearing pursuant to chapter 1-26. Any request for hearing shall be made in writing and postmarked within the thirty-day period if sent by way of United States postal mail or actually received by the division within the thirty-day period if sent by way of electronic mail or facsimile.

Source: SL 2008, ch 253, ยง18.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 51A - Banks and Banking

Chapter 17 - Money Transmission

Section 51A-17-1 - Definition of terms.

Section 51A-17-2 - Permissible investments defined.

Section 51A-17-2.1 - Control defined.

Section 51A-17-2.2 - Passive investor defined.

Section 51A-17-3 - Entities exempt from chapter.

Section 51A-17-4 - License to engage in business of money transmission required.

Section 51A-17-5 - Single license to conduct business at multiple locations--Authorized delegates.

Section 51A-17-6 - Minimum net worth required.

Section 51A-17-7 - Qualification to do business of corporate and noncorporate applicants and licensees.

Section 51A-17-8 - Security device or deposit required.

Section 51A-17-9 - Security after licensee ceases operations.

Section 51A-17-10 - Investments required--Waiver by director.

Section 51A-17-11 - Criminal history background check required .

Section 51A-17-12 - Application for license--Form--Contents.

Section 51A-17-13 - Corporate applicants--Additional requirements.

Section 51A-17-14 - Noncorporate applicants--Additional requirements.

Section 51A-17-15 - Waiver of license application requirements.

Section 51A-17-16 - Application fee.

Section 51A-17-17 - Applicant--Investigation by director.

Section 51A-17-18 - Denial of application--Request for hearing.

Section 51A-17-19 - Annual report and renewal fee.

Section 51A-17-20 - Time for filing renewal application, report, and fee.

Section 51A-17-21 - Limit of licensee's liability.

Section 51A-17-22 - Amendment or notice of certain events required.

Section 51A-17-23 - Notice of proposed change of control--Investigation--Approval of change.

Section 51A-17-24 - Persons exempt from change of control requirements--Notice.

Section 51A-17-25 - Public offering of securities exempt from change of control requirements.

Section 51A-17-26 - Request for determination on change of control from director.

Section 51A-17-27 - Examination or investigation--Acceptance of report by other examining agencies or federal government.

Section 51A-17-28 - Request for financial data or examination upon reasonable basis to believe licensee in noncompliance.

Section 51A-17-29 - Records required and open to inspection.

Section 51A-17-30 - Confidentiality of information--Exception.

Section 51A-17-31 - Authorized delegate--Written contract required--Contents.

Section 51A-17-32 - Standards of conduct of authorized delegate.

Section 51A-17-33 - Funds received by authorized delegate constitute trust funds.

Section 51A-17-34 - Report of theft or loss.

Section 51A-17-35 - Suspension or revocation of license.

Section 51A-17-36 - Suspension or revocation of authorized delegate designation.

Section 51A-17-37 - Cease and desist order.

Section 51A-17-38 - Administrative proceeding following cease and desist order.

Section 51A-17-39 - Consent order.

Section 51A-17-40 - Fine for violation of chapter or rule.

Section 51A-17-41 - Intentional misrepresentations or omissions in records--Engaging in activity without required license--Felony.

Section 51A-17-42 - Order to show cause--Temporary restraining order--Cease and desist order--Administrative proceeding--Judicial review.

Section 51A-17-43 - Jurisdiction of the courts.

Section 51A-17-45 - Licenses not assignable.

Section 51A-17-46 - Funds to be deposited with state treasurer and credited to banking special revenue fund.

Section 51A-17-47 - Promulgation of rules.

Section 51A-17-48 - Use of nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry as information channeling agent.

Section 51A-17-49 - Collection and maintenance of records and processing of fees.

Section 51A-17-50 - Confidentiality of information provided to nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry.

Section 51A-17-51 - Multistate supervisory processes participation.