South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 07 - Publicly Owned Airports
Section 50-7-18 - Indemnification agreements--Lands subject to mineral rights or oil and gas leases.

50-7-18. Indemnification agreements--Lands subject to mineral rights or oil and gas leases.
The department may in cases where federal funds are channeled through the department, pursuant to the provisions of §50-7-17, enter into contracts and agreements binding on this state with the administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration to indemnify the United States for federal funds contributed to the State of South Dakota, or any governmental agency, used for the purchase of land as the site of a public airport or for the construction of airport improvements on the airport within this state where the title to the land is subject to mineral rights or oil and gas leases, the release or subordination of which is determined by the administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration not to be practicable.

Source: SL 1953, ch 5, §1; SDC Supp 1960, §2.0208; SL 1997, ch 16, §18; SL 2014, ch 222, §57; SL 2020, ch 203, § 12.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 50 - Aviation

Chapter 07 - Publicly Owned Airports

Section 50-7-1 - Municipalities includes organized townships and counties.

Section 50-7-2 - County commissioners and municipalities--Airports--Powers and jurisdiction--Airport boards.

Section 50-7-3 - Lease of airport to private operator--Liability for negligent maintenance of airport.

Section 50-7-4 - Acquisition of airport lands as public purpose--Procedure for condemnation--Exchange of lands.

Section 50-7-5 - Joint operation of airport by public bodies--Purchase of interest in airport--Creation of airport boards.

Section 50-7-6 - Acquisition of land for county airport.

Section 50-7-7 - Statement of intention to establish airport--Protest by voters--Submission to vote.

Section 50-7-8 - Authority of municipalities to acquire airport--Raising funds for airport--Authorization, issuance and sale of bonds.

Section 50-7-9 - Annual appropriations for airports--Taxation.

Section 50-7-10 - Airport sponsors--Powers--Federal grants--Agreements.

Section 50-7-11 - Airport contracts subject to contract laws.

Section 50-7-12 - Planning, construction, and maintenance of airport--Leasing and subleasing--Expenses.

Section 50-7-13 - Administration of existing airports--Creation of airport board.

Section 50-7-14 - Charges for use of airport--Approval of governing body.

Section 50-7-15 - Cooperative agreements--Airport improvements--Reimbursement.

Section 50-7-16 - Interest on amounts to be reimbursed.

Section 50-7-17 - Airport system expansion and improvement--Project applications--Prior approval--Federal funds--Requirements.

Section 50-7-18 - Indemnification agreements--Lands subject to mineral rights or oil and gas leases.

Section 50-7-19 - Indemnification agreements--Limitations.