South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 02 - Aeronautics Commission
Section 50-2-1 - Appointment of members--Compensation--Qualifications--Terms.

50-2-1. Appointment of members--Compensation--Qualifications--Terms.
The commission consists of seven persons appointed by the Governor who shall receive the per diem set by §4-7-10.4 for the time actually spent in the performance of their official duties, together with traveling expenses set by rule of the Board of Finance. At least four members of the commission shall be or have been actively engaged in and have had at least one year of practical experience in civil or military aeronautics.
The term of each member begins on October thirty-first of the calendar year in which the Governor appoints the member, unless otherwise designated by the Governor. The member's term is for three years and expires on October thirtieth in the third year of the member's appointment.

Source: SDC 1939, §2.0105; SL 1943, ch 1, §1; SL 1949, ch 3; SL 1983, ch 13, §20; SL 2010, ch 227, §2; SL 2012, ch 16, §24; SL 2013, ch 176, §17; SL 2019, ch 203, §2.