50-12-16. Refusal, suspension, or revocation of dealer's license--Grounds.
The department may refuse to issue or renew, or may suspend or revoke, an aircraft dealer's license if the department has reasonable grounds to believe that the dealer has:
(1)Forged or altered any federal certificate, permit, rating, or license, relating to ownership or airworthiness of an aircraft;
(2)Sold or disposed of an aircraft which the dealer knows or has reason to know has been stolen or appropriated without the consent of the true owner;
(3)Willfully misrepresented any material fact in the application for an aircraft dealer's license;
(4)Willfully withheld or caused to be withheld from a purchaser any document required by the laws of this state, including an affidavit to the effect that there are no liens, mortgages, or encumbrances of any kind on the aircraft other than those noted thereon, if the document or affidavit has been requested by the purchaser;
(5)Used an aircraft dealer's certificate or a commercial use stamp for any purpose other than those permitted by this chapter, or used any such certificate or commercial use stamp after it has expired;
(6)Failed to keep and make available for inspection by the department a proper record of all aircraft bought and sold;
(7)Willfully refused to apply for or pay the fee for a renewal license after an issued dealer's license has expired;
(8)Failed to maintain an established place of business as required by this chapter;
(9)Maintained a branch office or subagency for the sale or soliciting of sales of aircraft without applying for and receiving a license for such branch office or subagency;
(10)Been refused a license, or had a license revoked by the licensing agencies for aircraft in this or any other state;
(11)Failed to register on or prior to certificate or commercial use stamp expiration date;
(12)Failed to renew license as required;
(13)Failed to notify the department upon sale of aircraft;
(14)Failed to promptly notify the department of an aircraft and place it on a certificate or use stamp or both; or
(15)Any other violation of this chapter or chapter 50-11 referenced in this chapter.
Source: SDC 1939, §2.0710 as enacted by SL 1966, ch 1, §9; SL 1980, ch 330, §10; SL 1983, ch 354, §1; SL 1993, ch 349, §5; SL 2010, ch 227, §95; SL 2014, ch 222, §100.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Section 50-12-2 - Aircraft dealer's license--Application--Contents.
Section 50-12-3 - Issuance of license--Display--Violation as misdemeanor.
Section 50-12-3.1 - Place of business--Branch office or subagency.
Section 50-12-4 - Dealer's license as applicable to aircraft in stock.
Section 50-12-5 - Permissible uses of dealer's certificate--Violation as misdemeanor.
Section 50-12-9 - Registration of aircraft under §§ 50-11-12 and 50-11-19.
Section 50-12-13 - Expiration of license and commercial use stamp.
Section 50-12-14 - Dealer's license--Renewal--Requirements--Appeal--Fees.
Section 50-12-16 - Refusal, suspension, or revocation of dealer's license--Grounds.
Section 50-12-17 - Hearing on revocation, suspension, or nonrenewal--Notice of hearing--Appeal.