South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 04 - Administration Of School And Public Lands
Section 5-4-14 - Preparation of advertisements--Publication--Signature.

5-4-14. Preparation of advertisements--Publication--Signature.
The commissioner of school and public lands shall prepare all advertisements provided for in this title, cause them to be published and sign them as commissioner.

Source: SL 1911, ch 224, §§40, 41; RC 1919, §§5664, 5665; SDC 1939, §15.0607; SL 1984, ch 34, §8.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 5 - Public Property, Purchases and Contracts

Chapter 04 - Administration Of School And Public Lands

Section 5-4-1 - Claim not acquired by occupancy by trespasser--Right to remove improvements.

Section 5-4-2 - Right-of-way for federally authorized waterworks and utility lines--Waterworks of persons holding water rights--Reservation in conveyances--Purchasers' right to irrigation water.

Section 5-4-3 - Map of waterworks to be filed.

Section 5-4-5 - Easement for utility lines and mains--Cultivation protected--Highways and section lines to be used where practical.

Section 5-4-5.1 - Easements for national guard training sites.

Section 5-4-5.2 - Wind and solar easements and leases.

Section 5-4-6 - Withholding of land from leasing and cooperative agreement for administration for community public purposes--Maximum tract.

Section 5-4-7 - Purposes for which land may be placed under local administration--Rules and regulations.

Section 5-4-8 - Term of agreement for local administration for public purposes--Renewal--Termination on application for purchase.

Section 5-4-9 - Improvements on tracts administered for public purposes--Reimbursement by purchaser or lessee.

Section 5-4-11 - Unauthorized removal of wood from school or public lands as misdemeanor.

Section 5-4-12 - Waste on public lands as misdemeanor.

Section 5-4-13 - Civil liability for waste or unauthorized removal of wood from public lands--Disposition of moneys recovered.

Section 5-4-14 - Preparation of advertisements--Publication--Signature.

Section 5-4-15 - Misdemeanor to start open fire on public lands except in established fireplace.

Section 5-4-16 - Misdemeanor to start and fail to extinguish open fire regardless of whether in approved fireplace .

Section 5-4-17 - Liability for damages.

Section 5-4-18 - Prohibiting large groups from congregating when necessary to preserve lessee's use of land or prevent damage.