49-1-8.2. Executive director--Appointment--Duties--Signature on behalf of commission.
The Public Utilities Commission may appoint an executive director who shall serve at the pleasure of the commission. The executive director shall serve as the chief administrative officer of the commission and shall be directly responsible to all the members of the commission. The executive director shall carry out those functions that have been delegated to him by the commission or any of its members. The executive director may sign all orders, tariffs, and other documents on the commission's behalf and at the request of the commission after their review. At the time of signature the executive director shall indicate on the face of the document that he has been authorized to sign the document at the request of the commission or individual members. The executive director may not conduct or administer the office so as to discriminate against any of the commission members.
Source: SL 1979, ch 308; SL 1983, ch 333, §1; SL 1991, ch 380, §2.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 49 - Public Utilities and Carriers
Chapter 01 - Public Utilities Commission
Section 49-1-4 - Duties of commissioners--Sessions of Public Utilities Commission--Removal.
Section 49-1-5 - Vacancies in office of commissioner--Appointment by Governor--Term of appointment.
Section 49-1-6 - Oath and bond of commissioners.
Section 49-1-7 - Salary of commissioners.
Section 49-1-8 - Creation of Public Utilities Commission--Secretary--Seal.
Section 49-1-8.1 - Commission continued as separate department.
Section 49-1-8.2 - Executive director--Appointment--Duties--Signature on behalf of commission.
Section 49-1-9 - Proceedings before commission--Quorum--Disqualification.
Section 49-1-9.1 - Providing false or misleading information to commission as misdemeanor.
Section 49-1-10 - Hearings before commission--Oaths.
Section 49-1-11 - Rules of commission.
Section 49-1-12 - Records of official actions--Proceedings open to public.
Section 49-1-12.1 - Discussions on internal management not subject to chapter 1-25.
Section 49-1-13 - Annual report to Governor--Contents.
Section 49-1-14 - Attorney general as adviser to commission--Suits by commission.
Section 49-1-15 - Assistant attorneys general to serve commission exclusively.
Section 49-1-16 - Duties of state's attorneys.
Section 49-1-18 - Neglect or refusal to perform duties--Misdemeanor--Forfeiture of office.